my thank you

501 11 4

(2nd part of are all men chauvinist Pig)

"And how do you wanna thank me?" he asked

"plenty of ways, but let's get a drink get to know each other a bit like your name and a little bit more than go from there" I replied.

He nodded his head turned his wrist and took hold of my hand before walking back and ordering two beers before grabbing them and walking off with me somewhere.

I'm not ashamed to say that I started at his ass and just wanted to smack it and grab a fuckin handful.

But I refrained for a bit till my slut sting snapped then its release of the horny bitch.

We sat in what I assume to be his room where in the clubhouse and we talked a bit getting to know each other.

I told him I have a two kids and he told me he's got to. he told me that he lost his wife and I told him that my ex was a piece of shit that doesn't deserve happyniess at all for the bullshit he put me and my babies through.

After we got to know each other more I lost all forms of hold on my slut side and I attacked his ass.

I wasn't gonna say sorry but I'd stop if he didn't want this. 

I had caught him off guard when I lunged at him but he was rather quick to react and baby let me tell you this beautiful giant of a man is seriously driving me up the fucking wall.

"I need to see this body of yours before I cream the fuck out of my panties just from seeing your face" I tell him

 He pulled back from sucking love bites on my neck and stood up.

I watched as he stripped and I swear I cried. 

"fuck can I please keep you. I mean seriously your my fucking dream lover,fantasy husband, and all wrapped up."

He crawled back on the bed and started kissing me.

"we'll have to see" he teased

"Oh you fucker, your teasing me" I say

he laughed and I swear I wanted to ravish him.

I got up on my knees and removed the dress tossing it aside before I jumped off the bed locked the door and lodged a chair under the handle.

"I feel as though your brothers like to barge in and I don't want to show all them my goods or allow them this fucking dirty show that will take place," I say crawling back into the bed and going for the kill.

He jerk a bit when I nipped his tip before I fully took him in my mouth and blew his world apart.

When I tel lyou this gorgeous man had me seeing stars just by his fingers toying my clit before attacking my g I mean every damn word.

After I coated his fingers in my orgams and he came down my throat I pulled away and he pulled me up over his body and sat me right on his face.

 the fucking feeling of his tongue, mouth,and beard on my pussy was heaven and I was gone to paradise.

"Oh daddy eat my pretty pussy, and fucking devour her" I moaned as I fisted his hair and rode the fuck out of his face.

After I came on his tongue and beard I moved down and plunged his dick deep inside of me the tip went right into my cervix.

"OH FUCK YES............"I moaned

 he grabbed hold of my ass and I started boucning.

I was gonna ride this beautiful man til lthe fucking cows came home and then some. I didn't want to get off his dick.

"THANK YOU...THANK YOU... OH MY GOD..........." I moaned and cried out

 he slapped my ass and I got wetter before I looked at him and smiled then grabbed him and pulled him so he was sitting up and started kissing him. when his lips trailed down to my neck I tilted my head back and moaned at the feel of him so deep inside of me my belly was bulging from his cock.

"I am fucking in love" I said not caring at all.

"Me too Angel" he says

I lifted my head and looked at him.

"I'm keeping you from this point forth, you're not allowed to fuck any other pussy but this one your fucking now."

"yes, ma'am," he says before he lays me down and rails my ass so damn good I was an orgasmic moaning mess.

 the number of times we came together was lost to us both we were just enjoying one another bodies and how we felt joined as one.

"I'm gonna take you to the justice of the peace and marry your beautiful ass Angel" he says

"when daddy?" I asked

"After I feel you so damn full that my cum leaks out of your pussy and you walk up that aisle to me with your thighs covered in our mixed cum."

I cried out just hearing him say that and I was gone forever in paradise that is a beautiful giant man.

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now