You're gonna go see him

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Since finding out that Able had the Teller family flaw Jax didn't want to go see him and I was tired of his shit. my old man or not I'll drag his ass there to see his son.

I walked into our place and seen Jax passed out with beer bottles all over the floor.  I grabbed him up dragged him into the closest bathroom, stripped him down to his boxers and sat him in the shower, and turned the cold water on his ass.

He jumped and pushed himself away while curing to the sun.

"WHAT THE FUCK" he yelled

"get your ass cleaned up and get dress. you're gonna go see our son and I don't give to flying fucks if I have to drag your ass there. I will. hell I'll fucking fight you but you will see that beautiful warrior." I tell him before I stormed 

I cleaned up Jax mess as I waited for him. Knowing his deliertibly taking his sweet ass time to clean up.


"I right her fuck calm down" he says

I stood up grabbed his hand and lead him outta the house to my car so I knew he'd go to the hospital and not try to make a break for it.

The whole ride to the hospital he wouldn't take to me but I could give two shits at the moment.

"this beautiful baby has just us in his life, his piss poor excuse of a mother is a worthless wast of space and if she knew what was good for her she'd sign all her rights to him over to us. and if you knew what was good for you you'd stop with your bullshit of refusing to see him" I says we stepped onto the elevator.

"I'm scarred he' have Tommy's fate" he addmited

"the doctors said that after they fixed his little belly and did the surgery on his heart he's doing perfectly fine. that he's in the incubator so he can finish growing to a healthy size then they will put him where you'd be able to hold him and bond with him."

He told my hand and gave it a firm squeeze.

" I love you more than anything. and I'm in love with Abel as if I carried and had him. so I'm not gonna appoligze for my threats of kicking your ass to get you here. Abel needs to know he's not alone and that he has us fighting in his corner cheering him on to get stronger" I tell him

Once the elevator doors open Jax and I walked down the hallway passing the nurses station where Jax's highschool ex was and headed right for the room Abel was in.

I opened the door for him andallowed him to go first before I followed.

"just let him know that his daddy is here and there you love him." 

He looked at me with blurry vision from the tears hewasn't allowing to fall.

He pulled my too him so I'd comfort him as he started talking to Abel and telling him things I suggested for him to.

Once he was down he buried his face in my neck and cried.

"I know this hurts baby, and you wish him to not be in this position. but he is our warrior and he will come out on top. he's got his daddy's genes so we both know that he will fight."

Jax nodded his head as we stood there.

I nuddged him and he lifted his head and looked at me. I wiped his eyes and smiled before pecking his lips.

"Lets tell him a story, so he can her our voices and know he's got parents here that are in love with each other him" I suggested

He clears his throat and takes a seat before he tugs me down and we tell Abel the story of how Jax and I came to be.

We must had stayed there till visiting hours was over cause Tara walked in to inform us.

"ALright warrior we will be seeing you again hopefully tomorrow. mommy and daddy love you so much and are so proud of you" Jax tells him

I blew Abel a kiss before following Jax out the door.

"thank you for bringing me here,I really needed the ass kicking you practically gave me." Jax says as we made our way towards the elevators.

"it was the only way to make you come to see our beautiful fighter. and I wouldn've done just like I said had you put up a fight."

He chuckled and kissed me as he leaned against the back of the elevator.

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now