Did you miss me?

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Tig and I met when I went to Cara cara to visit a friend of mine that was a porn star. While they were filming I was sitting there next to him watching the whole thing.

"You come here often?" he asked

"No, just one in a while" I replied

"I do for protection ordeal." he says

"so your a biker security guard?"

"Yea you could call it that." he says while smiling

"well what's your name handsome?" 

"Alex or Tig. maybe daddy if you're into that" 

"you may be surprised what I'm into.. but then again you look like the type that likes to get freaky kinky" I commented

"you have no idea."

"maybe one day I could find out?"

"we'll see."

I hummed and took his hand writing my number.

" if you wanna test one another limits call me" I say when the film ended and my friend walked over.

After that day Tig and I become a freaky couple that knew how to have some dirty fun in the sheets.

today after I've been gone for some time due to work I'm coming back home to my daddy as I call him. 

He is in for a surprise cause he has no idea I've come home early. he's expecting me next week.

I headed to the bar we generally head to when he doesn't wanna be at his clubhouse anymore.

I spot his bike and park beside it before I check my reflection before I climbed out and headed inside.

After scanning the crowd I spot him in our favorite corner. so I walk over fisted his hair pulling it to the side and latched on to his throat biting and sucking my marks on it since my last ones had faded before I trail my tongue up his neck to his ear where I nibble and suck on it before I brush my nose against his jaw.

"I missed daddy. has daddy missed me?" I asked as I let his hair go.

He looks at me and takes my appearance in and growls at my choice of outfit.

"daddy has baby. and with the way your looking I wont be able to sit here long enough to catch up with you." he says

"then take me home and have your filthy way with me," I say as I grab his face and kiss him feverishly.

"I have waited for a long time to sink myself inside of you again. I have a horrible case of blue balls," he says

"let's go empty em in my mouth and pussy." I say dropping my hand from his face and taking his hand leading him outta the bar to his bike and my car.

"I need you no," he says

"Good thing this part of the parking lot is pitch black huh?" I walked to the back and opened the back door where I had a blanket & pillow palette set up.

"you planned this?"

"of course why else would I dress like this for daddy?" I asked as I crawled up in my old jeep and removed my heels. remove my dress draping it over the backseat. showing my bare freshly shaved Puss.

He crawls in and shut the door behind him and strips himself placing his boots beside my heels and drapes his kutte over the back seat before he lays over me.

I cover us up as he leans down and starts kissing me before he trails his hands and lips all over my body remeorizing every part of me.

" I have missed this body so much," He says as he moves down under covers and places himself between my spread legs.

"This is one of my favorite meals I'm gonna feats on," he says before burning his face in my pussy and drives me mouth doing so many things to my pussy I can't stop cumming.

When he pulls back his mouth and goatee is drenched in my juices.

He makes his way up my body stopping to mark my breast up with hickies before he seethes himself inside me deeply making us both moan before I pull him down and start kissing him as he trails his hand up my arm and takes hold of my hand as he proceeds to pound the hell out of me.

I claw and scratch his back he goes rougher inside of me. the jeep starts rocking as he and I both reach our climax over and over again.

the sound of skin slapping, welshing sounds filled the air along with my crying, begging, and pleading for much more.

When I take control and get on top it's his cries, moans, begging, and pleading that fill the car up as I coat his shaft and he coats my walls over and over.

We lay beside each other panting and making out as we are still entangled together not wanting to be apart 

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now