I'm having your baby ( Opie)

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After so many tries and fails, Opie and I have finally gotten pregnant. Which I am sure will make his dad. 

I had left my doctor's appointment that confirmed the pregnancy test wasn't a false positive. I headed to a little baby store grabbed a cute Onesie and put it in a gift bag before I got in my car and slipped the pregnancy test that in a zip lock bag inside with the onesie.

once I had everything put together I headed to the T-M lot. 

I carried the bag with me as I checked the garage first. Not seeing him I went to head towards the clubhouse.

"Hey darling" Gemma greets having me stop.

"Hi Gemm" I replied looking back at her

"Opie's coming back from a tow run," she says

"Alright thank you. please let him know I'm in the clubhouse" I say

"Will do love," she says then heads back into the office while I headed into the clubhouse and greet those that are there.

I kissed Piney and on the cheek and sat before him as he drank his liquor.

"How are you sweetheart?" Piney asked

"As good as one who handles rowdy people can be." I replied

He smiles.

"then we are both doing the same." he says

"yea.plus you've got to handle your son as well as I do." I joked

"Hey I'm not that bad" Opie says

I chuckled as I turned and lifted my head as he walks over and kisses me.

"I'm just teasing darling." I tell him

He holds me and kisses me more.

"I've got something for you" I tell him

"Oh what's that?"

I lift up the little gift bag and hand it over to him.

He opens up pulling the folded onesie out. he sits the bag down and Piney looks and I know he seen the test but says nothing. I wink at him before looking at Opie who unfolds the onesie and reads it.

"step one, crawl. step 2 two walk step three motorcycle" he says and looks at me

"I'm having your baby" I announced

He looked at me wide eye before he picks me up and twirls me around kissing me breathless before sitting me down.

"look what you left in the bag." I tell him

He does and pulls the zip lock bag with the test out while Piney hugs and congratulates me.

"What's going on in here?" Jax asks as he and the others including Gemma walk in.

Opie pulls me back into his arms as he passed the two items to Jax before kissing me.

"Step one crawl, step two walk, step three ride?" Jax says

"Oh, my gosh darling your pregnant" Gemma says as she read over Jax's shoulder.

I laid my head on Opie's shoulder and nodded my head while nodding till Opie started kissing me again.

After the fourth time kissing me  Opie is congratulated by the guys while Gemma comes and hugs me congratulating me.


S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now