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I've lived in this little town called Charming. All my life. It's where I met the love of my life Happy, it's where we will raise our baby I'm carrying. and it's where we will grow old together.Now I know that's like cliche or whatnot but it's something I've always thought of.Anywho My name is Mortala. But people just call me Tala for sort.

I've been married to Happy for over four years. I'm three in a half months pregnant with our little Angel. and I've not met but one person that works with Happy & that's Koz.See Happy and I agreed that if I am not known of then I won't be bothered or be a risk of anything such as kidnapping, death threats, beatings, etc.

So he's not told anyone about me for mine and our baby's protection. Mainly our baby since I know how to fight, I have had to kill plenty of people due to my old line of work so that's nothing new. and I'm not afraid to get dirty when it comes to protecting my unborn child or husband. When people generally see me they think I'm innocent and haven't been tainted with blood before that I'm a goody goody. & it's how I want them to think.

Back to the whole never meeting or knowing anyone but Koz that works with Happy well it's about to change cause my husband is sitting before me telling me that some things went south for the sons and that every one family wise is on lockdown.

"This outta be good. you showing up with a pregnant woman  with whom you are married to." I say as I start to laugh.

"What's funny?" he questions as he looks at me.

" I'm just picturing their expressions when they see us and how they will react to you telling them who I am to you," I answered 

He started smiling so I knew he's picturing it as well.

"Come on lets go pack a lockdown bag," he says

"No need baby. I've had one packed for quite a while. just in case this day ever came." I tell him"there is nothing tight fitting is there?"

I couldn't help but smile at how he's so protective of our unborn child. It makes me feel really good and just does something to me.

"No baby, it's not tight fitting its comfy just how I like with my maternity wear ." 

He nodded his head as we stood up.

"Can we make love before we go?" I asked

he just smiled as he walked over and wrap his arm around me using the other to tilt my head and brush some hair back.

"craving some Killa juice?" he asked

"I called it that one time and you've not let it down" I joke

"cause I like the reference."

"Ok. yea I am craving some Killa juice. so can I drink some and fill it coating my walls before we leave. or wait until everyone freaks out upon seeing us and learning what we are to each other?"

"We have to go now then later I'll give you as much Killa juice as you can handle."

"Baby boy I think you underestimate me when it comes to that juice."

"No. I'm not, I know you can drink it and be filled by it for days."

I smiled and pecked his lips.

 "Let's get this show on the road then." I say

He and I walk off to our room where I show him where the bags for lockdown was while I made sure we had the other essential items we needed.

"alright baby let's go," he says taking the little bag from me and walked out the bedroom door.I follow suit after I slip on my flats before walking out the door previously locking it before I shut it.

"Follow me," he tells me as he climbs on his bike. 

I start the car as he starts his bike.

"Alright baby boy."

He kicked the stand up revved his bike and left.I shook my head as I pulled out of the driveway and followed him.

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