Talk sh** get hit

807 11 3

Sadly Ignorance was like a damned disease that spread through this clubhouse. the slutty ungrateful croweaters were beyond ignorant. And they liked to run their dumme Falle.

when they run their mouths on the other ol ladies and men, I don't say anything letting them handle the dumb broads their self but then one was really stupid and she fucked up when she said shit about my husband.

I was sitting on CHib's lap kissing him and creassing his face as he was rubbing his hand along my side when I heard the stupid fcker.

"How can you find those scars to be a turn on. I mean its so disgusting and makes me wanna throw up.

I lifted my head when Chibs started kissing my neck.

"Keep talking shit du dumme Hacke you'll get hit" I warned

"what the fuck language are you speaking. this is America so speak it or get the fuck out. and he's fucking ugly with his scars." she says

I pulled from Chibs and walked over to the girl and decked her right in the nose making her drop. I used my steel toe boot and kicked her right in the mouth.

"I'm fuckign American you piece of shit. I was talking Galic but your to stupid to know what that is. as for my husband be ugly. mother fucker your covering your fucking looks with a shit ton of make that requires a putty knife to remove. His scars are so fucking sexy. I love to look at them Lick them, ride them, and crease them when new fuck, or just in the heat of passion. he doesn't need your fucking mouth trying to put him down cause your a nobody whose so fucking low that dirt is treated better then you. now get the fuck outta her and never ever fucking show your fucking face around here again or I'll do more than kick your teeth in and break your nose" I tell her

I walked over and straddled Chibs and started kissing him much more then what we was doing before. I even started licking and kissing his scars.

"Come on baby time for me to soak these beautiful scars in my juices" I tell him as I hopped up grabbed his hand and walked off as our friends and brothers cat called after us while the other crow eaters tossed the trash out.


du dumme Hacke- you stupid hoe

dumme Falle- stupid trap

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