Eye of the Tiger

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I sat there holding Abel as I moved his little fist making him punch the air which made him laugh.

"What are you two up to now?" Gemma asked

"We are the eye of the tiger" I replied as I kept up what I was doing with Abel who was tickled with the whole thing.

I moved from his hands to his feet 

"High Ya," I say kicking his foot out 

Gemma cracked up along with the others that came to see why Survivor was playing.

I kept moving Abel's arms and legs like he was fighting which made him laugh.

"Go Bud," Jax says 

the others whistled.

Happy came over and squatted before me and I shook my head before I kept going Happy moved like Abel was hitting him before he fell when I had Abel act like he kicked Happy.

"Yea Abel," Gemma says clapping

Jax came over and we did the same to him making him fall on Happy.

the guys all came over and got their butts kicked by Abel and made a pile pretending to be defeated.

I jumped up and cheered with Abel and the others.

"Yea. the undefeatable Abel took the sons down" I cheered 

The other ol ladies cheered and whistled while Gemma clapped as we celebrated.

I tossed him in the air and caught him before I stood him on top of Tig's back as he bent his arms up. Gemma used my phone to snap a picture.

I giggled before I picked him up while the guys got up and went back to what they were doing.

"that was sweet of you guys to play along," I tell them once Gemma took Abel home.

"we were only following your old man's lead," Jax says

 I smiled and pecked Happy's lips 

"thank you for that," I say

"it was fun," he says shrugging.

"he enjoyed it," I tell them

"What did he do when he was standing on my back?" Tig asked,

"he bent his arms up showing his muscles which was the cutest thing ever." I say

I got my phone out and showed them the photo. 

they smiled about it.

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now