Dog Park

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I sat on the bench while my babies Lucifer & Demon were running around playing with other dogs when this rather attractive man came in with this cute little rugrat of a dog that was a corgi. I got tickled since he was a biker and the dog wasn't the type you generally compare to bikers.

Drawing my attion back to my babies I watched as they did their own little welcome of the corgi before they took off running.

"So which is yours?"

I looked over at the guy that come with the Cogri and seen some of the bluest eyes I'd ever seen up close.

"I have two actually and they are the only germans here" I replied

He looked out to where the dogs was and I cracked up laughing. which had him looking at me.

"I'm sorry, your dog is just to adorable and watching it run is precious" I replied as I tried to hide my laugh.

"I'm just dog sitting for a friend of my actually. I'm not the type to have a small dog. I prefer bigger ones" he says

"wanna meet my boys?" I asked

he nodded so I whistled and my two came running.

"Sit" I tell them 

They do as I told them and I petted their heads.

"the all black on is lucifer. and the black and tan one is Demon" I tell the guy.

"I love their names" he says with a smile

"they are my babies" I replied

"can I pet them?"

"if you want. I'm sure you know to let them smell you first" I replied

he nodded his head before sticking his hand out so Luc and Demon could sniff him before he started petting their heads.

When seeing this the little Corgi must have gotten jealous and came over wanting attention.

"Wats up little rascal?" I asked as I started petting the corgi.

"Her name is Misfit" the guy says

"your adorble little misfit" I tell her as I scratch behind her ears.

Luc and Demon was to busy getting attention for the guy beside me to care about what I was doing.

"I'm Tig by the way or Alex" the guy tells me

"I prefer to call you Ocean eyes" I tell him

"fine with me, Hunny."

After the dogs get their fill of scratches they take off and play while Ocean eyes and I sit back and talk.

" I love your dogs" he says

"thank you. they are my everything" I replied

"so they are like your kids?"

"my furry babies."

He smirked 

We went from talking about my dogs to how he got stuck with misfits before we moved on to random topics.

"I've gone from the marines to having a family then became a motorcycle machinc as well as other cars" he says

I looked at him

"thank you for your service" I tell him

He gave a slight nod.

"would you like to get out of here and go get some drinks?" I asked

"Sure" he says

I whistled for my dogs and misfit came running with them.

Once I had Luc and demon on their lead Tig picked up Misfit and we left.

"I'm gonna drop her off then I can meet you" he says

"I'll be at the Drunken Rainbow" I tell him

he laughs

"od name for a place"

"it is but its got good drinks and appitisers" I replied

"Ill see you there then" he tells me

I sat in the the corner booth and already ordered to Guinns with a basket of monz sticks as I waited for Tig to show up.

the sound of a motorcycle could be heard pulling into the lot before its cut off and a few minutes later Tig walks through.

I stood up and wave to him which draws his attention as he makes his way over.

"hope its ok that I got two Guinns and a basket of Manz stick" I say as we take a seat across from each other

"One of the greatest beers" he says

"Irish knows their stuff" I replied

"you'd get along with a buddy of mine, he's Scottish but was raised in Ireland."

"then he knows some good beer and whiskey" I replied 

" Jamerson whiskey is his got to."

"smart man" I replied

once the server brought our drinks and Monz stick we pick up on the conversation we was having before the server arrived.

"hope I could count on you to hang out again. that is if your not busy" I say as we make our way to the door 

"I can call you and we can schedule a time" he says

I take his hand and write my number on his palm.

"try not to get that to greasy and don't be handing it out like candy" I joked

"I promise."

I smiled as we waved bye and went our separate ways.

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