water baby

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Since it was a hot day in Charming I decided that Arwan & I would have a little water fun. so I dressed him in his swim trunks and me in my bikini and took him out where I had already set up the sprinklers.

"Time for some water fun bub," I tell him as I sit him on the ground and watch to see what he was gonna do. 

He looked at me before he took off towards the water and had a blast he was giggling squealing laughing. just being a water baby.

I went over and joined him. picking him up and running with him through the water before we played a game of chase.

I of course wouldn't run fast so he could catch me and I'd run slow so he'd be able to run fast to escape me.

I laid in the grass with him for a bit on a towel to relax a bit before we got up and went wild playing in the water. 

I knew Chibs and I would wind up getting a kiddy pool so that Arwan would be able to play in water and not just run through it.

With as much fun as he is having with the sprinklers, I knew him having a kiddy pool would basically be like a water park to him.

"Are ya having fun without me laddie?" Chibs asked as he walked out in swim trunks.

Arwan saw him and ran over hugged Chib's leg getting them wet before Chibs picked him up kissed his cheek.

"Hi" Chibs greeted our baby boy

"hi dada" Arwan replied

"you having fun with momma?" he asked as the two of them came over to where I was.

"uh-huh" Arwan replied

"mind if I join?"


I smiled as Chibs sat Arwan down and did as I had with Arwan. he ran having Arwan chase him through the water before he'd chase Arwan.

I watched the two for a bit before I scooped up Arwan and chased after Chibs with Arwan in my arms reaching out to tag Chibs before we turned and took off when he chased us.

Hearing the laughter and seeing how much fun Arwan was having made my day.

Now he's clunked out from his water day while I am cleaning up with Chib's help making sure everything is turned off and put away before we go shower and relax curled up in each other arms talking bout different things.

"Having fun in the sun huh?" Chibs asked

"It was a way to get cooled off till we get him a kiddy pool," I tell 

"yea I can just imagine his reaction to that."

I smiled while nodding my head.

"it'd be like a water park to him," I say

Chibs laughed a bit.

"yea it would Loue."

We got to talking about what type of kiddy pool we'd get Arwan when the little mister decided to wake up so Chibs went to get him and bring him into where we were watching as he curled up between the two of us and held both Chibs' & my hand.

We asked him how he enjoy his day and he smiled a big bright smile. 

"I loved it," he says

When we asked him about a kiddy pool it was like asking him about his Christmas present he got so excited and his little eyes widened. 

It was so adorable watching him outside playing in the water and seeing his reaction to a mention of a kiddy pool.

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now