Bust out

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"Hey how are you holding up?" Lyla asked as she walked over and sat beside me on the couch in the clubhouse.

"heavily pregnant" I replied

she chuckled while shaking her head

"how's Chibs taking it?"

"what the whole ordeal or being away on this run?"

"the run."

"He didn't like that I was this close to being due and him being far away."

I felt a slight pain which made me winch.

"you ok?" 

I nodded my head

"you know how the slight pain of a cramp feels?"

she nods her head

"that was basically it. it came and went no issue."

"you'll tell me if its go time right?"

"either I will or he will" I say pointing to my stomach

"whats his name or have you too settled?"

"We are tittering between Caelean & Farlen" I answered

"not bad choices for names."

"we think the same thing but just cant pinpoint which one we like more so we are gonna wait till he arrives and see which names seem fitting."

"Alright well if you need me just holler," she says and she gets up and walks off.

I let out a long breath since I was having contractions the whole time she was sitting there.

I slowly stood up and started making my way around the pool table and couch.

"You ok?" 

I looked up and seen uphill a prospect

"I'm good, just stretching my legs" I assured him

He nods his head and walked off.

I grip the back of the couch when a contraction hits.

"Ok that's ten minutes apart" I murmur to myself

Once it passed I let the couch go and kept on walking till I felt water trinkle down my leg and a hard pain.

"FUCK" I screamed

everyone that was within hearing distance came running

"what's happening" V asked

"little Telford is ready to arrive and he's planning on busting out my coochie" I replied as I doubled over in pain fro the contraction.

"Shit... shit...what do we do?" someone panicked

I heard a hard slap and looked up seeing V had slapped the prospect beside Phil.

"get the damn car ready. we are taking this momma to the hospital. Lylay call Opie and tell him  to bring Chibs home right now" V says taking charge

"How can I help?" Phill asked

" scoop up momma and carry her to the car" V anwsered

he walked over and waited for my permission to lift me up. Once I nodded my head he scooped me up and took off towards the door.

V was standing there with it open while Lyla was at the car door busting orders to Opie like V had told her to.

Half way through our travel to the hospital I grip the shit outta the passenger headrest and scream.

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now