ruined dinner

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Gem had planned her annual dinner where everyone was gonna come over and just be a family. But I had a feeling there was gonna be a shit show.

a few days before Gem set up the whole dinner, she was with me visiting my hubby Chibs in the hospital. we were checking on him after the whole van explosion and him having bleeding on the brain.

After I told Chibs I come back later with some good food I kissed him and followed Gem and Tara out.

I wasn't really paying much attention to what they was saying but I heard Tara talk about her boss to Gem. and we all know how if someone messes with one of us old lady then she being the head one would handle it.

So after she and I "left" the hospital we went and paid Tara's boss Murphy a visit and Gemma had a long talk with her before we left.

Now here we are prepping dinner. Tara showed up and pulled Gemma to the side and started questioning her. when she was getting pissy that's when I stepped in.

"Watch who you're talking to. You're the very fucker who brought your problems with your boss up to Gemma knowing that she protects us girls like some of us protect her. so don't come into her house and disrespect her. or you and I will have a problem. and if you think running off and crying to Jax will save your ass it won't. I'll go off on him you. no shut your mouth stop your damn whining and fucking help or get fucked and leave" I tell her

She stands there a bit then walks past us to go help in the kitchen.

"thank you, baby," Gem says

"I'm not gonna let her treat you shitty cause she's fucking your son. I don't give two fucks if she was being pounded by the prez of the united states. I'll set her ass straight with no issue" I tell Gemma

She smiled as we headed back into the kitchen and finished the food up.

the guys were getting into it before they were broken up.

"what's the issue with what I said?" Lyla questioned

"its how you said it which was rudely" Tara replied

"what your boyfriend jerks off to my movies. its not rude its true" Lyla says

I stand there watching the whole thing before I walked up and squated between Ellie and Kenny.

"can you two do something for me. can you go to a different room, I don't want you too to hear this" 

they looked at me and nodded. I stood up and stepped back as they did as I asked

"where they going?" Opie asked

"different room, don't need to hear this shitshow" I replied

"they was perfectly fine" he says

"look Opie this shit between Lylay,Tara, and Gemma isn't something for kids to hear." 

"nothing happening" he stated

"no she's right this will get ugly" Bobby says

"what Jax does is none of your business, hell what any of us old lady's men do isn't any of your business" Tara says

"you are treating me like I'm not someone that important here" Lalya defends.

"We don't know anything about you except that you get fucked on camera" Tara says

"its my career like yours is a doctor, Gemma is the garage and her.. who ever the hell she is hers is what ever the fuck it is."

"Ok I'm stepping in. you don't know me I don't give to shit, but like I say this, you need to show respect. you come into Gemma's house and you stir shit up. I was gonna be nice to you but then your brought me into this. I dont give a shit if you warming Opie's bed or if your spreading your legs on camera. that's you. I do care when you bring me into shit that I want no part of."

" its my job. its not like who ever your with doesn't watch me and get off" she says

"I promise you that my husband doesn't need your movies or fucking porn to get off. baby me and him we do things you couldn't handle, so porn isn't needed." I replied

"so you gonna attack me too, just like Tara?"

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