gender reveal ( Happy)

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I knew Happy wasn't really doubting his soon to be fatherhood since he's not had the grandest experience with a dad in his life. but I knew for sure without any doubt in my mind that he will be an amazing dad. I've watched him with the other kids how he gets to their level and plays with them. 

Not to mention he enjoys cartoons so I know when our baby or babies get here that's what he's gonna do a great majority of the time with them. 

I Have watched as Happy took it upon himself to make sure the house was baby poof from the counter corners to the stairs. 

We leave the baby gates open since our little one(s) aren't here to worry about them trying to crawl up the stairs. with the cabinets that he's baby proofed he's gotten frustrated with since he could open them. then he'd calm himself down knowing it's for our baby(s)that will be here in four months.

He's put the crib together and used his own weight to make sure it was sturdy saying if it could hold my weight then it's strong enough to handle their(s) little weight.

I swear I ravished that man after I got so damn emotional on him.

Now here we stand beside two boxes.

I looked at Happy and his expression was one for the books.

I chuckled when Gemma and Tara placed the boards of black ballons before us.

"you ok baby?" I asked


"guess so" I replied

"damn I did a good job then huh?" 

I busted out laughing at that while nodding.

"seems you and your swimmers done a fine job," I tell him

the others busted out laughing.

"alright shush," Gemma says everyone calmed down a bit.

"Alright we will start with momma on three open fire away" Gemma says

I smiled as I took the bb gun and cokced it 

"one.." she says

"two.." the others join in

"three" they all say

I fired at the ballons watching as the pain dripped

I grinned before I handed the gun over towards Happy.

"now Happy" Gemma says

I rubbed my stomach watching him.

"one" she says

"two" the others join

"three" they say in unsion

He opens fire on the ballons 

the pain that was dripping on the ballons 

the pain that was dripping on the ballons 

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"TWIN GIRLS" I whistled and cheered

"poor happy" Clay says

I laughed as Happy put the safety on the gun and lays it down before coming over to me.

"girls. I'm having girls" he says

I nodded my head

"they can't date until they are fifty," he says

I chuckled as did the others.

I grabbed him and pulled him to me and kissed him as the others cheered.

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now