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to distract everyone mind from all the crazy that's going on so I started singing

Like every tree stands on its ownReaching for the sky I stand alone.I share my world with no one else.All by myself, I stand alone.

everyone went quiet as the kids gathered around and listened.

I know the sound of each rock and stone
And I embrace what others feel.
You are not to roam in this forgotten place,
Just the likes of me, you're welcome here.
Everything breathes and I know each breath
For me it means life for others it's death.
It's perfectly balanced, perfectly planned,
More than enough for this man.

I started getting lost in singing that I closed my eyes and didn't know the audience I had gathered.

Like every tree stands on its own
Reaching for the sky I stand alone.
I share my world with no one else.
All by myself I stand alone.

I slowly opened my eyes and took noticed everyone watching me.

I've seen your world with these very eyes
Don't come any closer, don't even try
I've felt all the pain and heard all the lies
But in my world there's no compromise

My kids and husband Jax were smiling at me.

Like every tree stands on its own
Reaching for the sky I stand alone.
I share my world with no one else.
All by myself I stand alone.

When I finished the song they all start whistling while the kids clapped.

I bowed while smiling. 

"Was ya bored lass?" Chibs asked

"Nah, just distracting everyone's mind for a bit" I replied

"Well it worked," he says

"sing another song," Abel says

"Yeah" the other kids cheered

I thought about a song before I started to sing to it.

Abel and Thomas came over and sat on my lap as I kept singing.

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now