didnt know being pure ...( made as a story)

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I've been seeing Happy for quite a long time and I've told him for the getgo that I was pure but he apparently didn't ever pay any mind to my words. cause recently I had told him that I was a virgin and he freaked out and left which left me stunned and speechless.

I gave him an hour to calm down and waited for him to come back to me when he didn't I headed to the one place I knew him to be.

 I walked in and heard

"dude you're seeing a virgin that's surprising as hell," Juice says

"fuck a croweater if you want experienced pussy" a prospect says

"why the fuck are you seeing a virgin?" A visiting son asked

"dude you fucked up with that one" Tig says

"I don't see any harm in her being a virgin means she's clean and not been tainted" Chibs says

I shook my head at all of them but Chibs.

"dude she's inexperienced" Juice says to what Chibs says

"and thats the best to have so you can help her learn things she'll enjoy with you and so you have have the greatest gift a woman can offer of herself." Chibs replied

"I don't want a virgin" Happy says

that right there hurt very much. I held the tears as I locked eyes with chibs and Jax before I turned and left not daring to look back.

I headed home locked my house up and slid down my bedroom wall balwing my eyes out.

I heard beating on my door but I ignored it not wanting to talk with anyone when I'm hurting thanks to the man who I thought loved me and valued having me in his life broke me.

I could hear my door practically being destroyed and heavy foot falls. before my bedroom door was basically kicked off the hindges.

"why are you ignoring me?" I heard

I said nothing nor did I look at who spoke.

"I am talking to you."

"Go away, you don't love me nor do you want me so just get the fuck out of my life and house. you wanna be an asshole well I'm gonna be a bitch and tell you go get fucked and leave me the fuck alone" I replied opening my eyes and looking right at happy after wiping the blurriness away.

"what are you talking about?"

"Oh don't play stupid with me Happy I heard all the shit that was said at the clubhouse when you fucking ran off like a chicken shit coward who cant handle someone pure like me. you ran like a little bitch. crying to your brothers and prospect of me being pure like its some damn issue and they tell you to fuck a croweater then Chibs the only one out of you whole bunch that fucking gives a shit about the whole ordeal spoke true words but then you fucking said you didn't want me. " I say standing up facing him.

"I am not scared nor did I run scared. I left to clear my head." he says

"you left cause you cant handle someone who saved herself for someone she mistakenly thought loved her and would be man enough to accept the gift of her innocents. but no you had to run crying to your brothers and fucking break my heart make me feel like shit then have the fucking nerve to bust into my house and ask me why I'm ignoring you. well excuse the fuck out of me for having my fucking heart broken by the man I've fucking told at the start I'm pure but he never listened to what I said. 

I walked passed him and he walked up grabbed my throat from behind and held me up against him.

"I'm sorry for what happen. I'm sorry for breaking your heart and making you not only hurt, and upset but pissed off at me for what I had down. it was my fault for not listening to you when you told me when we got serious that you are pure. that I took off when you told me tonight right. I'm sorry for what you heard from me and my brothers except Chibs." he says

I say nothing just cry all over again.

He turns my head making me look at him and kissed me.

"I am a piece of shit who if you will still allow me to I'll take the greatest gift you can give me of yourself. and I'll cherish it as I cherish you. I'll show you just how sorry I am for the pain I caused you. and I will spend endless time showing you." he says 

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