From the ring to bed

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 crow eater was running her mouth so I told her let's take it to the ring. which is where we are right now.

She's gotten some good hit in.  While I've all but kicked her ass.

She was leaned on the middle rope so I ran over swung my legs between the two and kicked her in the face. before I jumped up onto the rope and flew off landing on her.

After laying a few more hits on her, she clunks out and I moved away.  

another croweater goes to bring me a towel when I climb out but Happy grabs me behind my legs making me fall over his shoulder before carrying me off.

I chuckle and take the towel.

Happy dumps me on his dorm bed making me chuckle.

"that shit you pulled got me hard," he tells me

I sit up and wipe the sweat and some of the blood away.

"cause things got messy" I joked

"Yeah and now things are gonna get filthy,"  he says

I smirk before I start stripping down making sure I tossed my panties at his face.

He looks at me after he removed his Kutte he placed it on the back of the chair with my panties in his pocket.

I lean back on my elbows and lick my lips as I watch Happy strip down.

"Come to momma."

Thinking he was gonna crawl up the bed when he walked closer I let out a surprised sound when he grabs my legs and pulled me to the edge of the bed placing my legs over his shoulder and started trailing kisses from my knee down to my thigh then repeated the other side. When he looked up at me I knew what was coming so I grabbed the sheets and got ready to scream his name and wither.

He started off with soft kisses to tease me before he really starts to get down to it.

the feeling of his mouth as he sucks my outer liba adding a few nips before he opens my Liba and feasted on my clit.

"Oh yes happy baby" I moaned

He looks up at me and smirks before he bites my clit a little making me squirm before he sucks adding pressure making me buck my hips till he uses his arm to hold me down and keep me still for the time being.

I reached down and pulled him closer as he turned his attention from my clit to my inner Labi then my vaginal orifice and started flicking his tongue in and out of me repeatedly in a teasing manner before he grabs my hips and starts to pelts his tongue.

I've come numerous times before I start wriggling and trying to push him away and close my legs but he keeps where he is and pushes deeper inside.

"Happy no more please" I begged

"Just one more for me, its all I need one more" he says before going back

I cried and moaned before I reached my last orgasm from oral.

Once he was satisfied with that he pulls back and kisses my outer Liabi making me whine and cover my bits which makes him laugh as he starts kissing up my body before he fully kisses my on the lips making me wrap my arms around his neck and pulls him down to me and kiss him as I taste myself which mixed with his taste is so Mmm.

I rolled us over and started rubbing my body all over Happy before I lifted up a bit as I reached between us and grabbed his girth. I started stroking him a bit making him moan and drop his head back a little before he grabbed my hips as I slipped him inside of me and moaned.

He looked up and watched as I closed my eyes as I dropped my head forward cascading my hair down covering my face.

Once I started to ride him I pushed my hair back and proper myself on his chest as I started bouncing as he slapped my ass.

the two of us were moaning. I leaned down just as he reached up and fisted my hair pulled me down more and kissed me hard before he flipped us over grabbed my hands pinning them over my head as he pounded into me making me bend my knees up to my chest as he reached up and grabbed me by my throat.

 I relinquished in total bliss.

He brought me to so many orgasms and had me squirting so many times I couldn't do anything but quiver from the after effect.

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now