Dont like touching grass ( made into a story)

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Happy and I took our two twins to the park to play and just have a family picnic since the club wasn't too busy and the garage didn't need him.

While he carried Celicly "Cece"  I carried Gracen. Happy handed me, Cece before he laid out the picnic blanket then took and placed Cece down while I did the same With Gracen. we sat there playing and just enjoying being with our babies.

 I watched as Cece would crawl close to the end of the blanket and when she noticed there was no more blanket, that it was grass she sorta paused with her hand in the air as she looked at it.

"Awe! she doesn't like grass," I say

Happy looks over and smiles before he laid down so he was beside Cece.

"Not something you like huh?" he asked

She moved back and sat beside Happy and made a face that got him tickled. I watched as Gracen do the same as his sister but he was perfectly fine with the grass.

"So Cece dont like it but Gray does" Happy says as he turned over and sat Cece on his chest and played with her.

"seems so" I replied as I laid beside and watched Gray play with the grass blades.

"Sissy doesn't like the grass but you seem to," I tell Gray

He looks at me than his sis and smiles.

"that's ok, though. we all have things we dont like." I say to him which made Cece look at me and blew her a kiss which made her bounce on happy while grinning.

"Hey mommy those are my kisses" Happy  pouts

"well you gotta share daddy," I tell him

He pouts and Cece dont like that so she reaches for his face and taps his cheek repeatedly till he acts like he bit her fingers which makes her squeal.

I smiled before watching Gray pick the grass blades and examine them. I took one and put it between my thumbs and blew on it making it make a sound that got the twin's attention.

"sounded sorta like a whistle" Happy says

"I know I use to do that when I was younger and playing outside. wasn't sure if I could make it happen again." I replied

We sat there playing a bit more before we sat up and watched our hands before wiping Gray's and Cece's hands then fed them as well as ourselves and each other.

When we were gathering everything up I stood up and I heard crying. looking to see who it was I seen it was Cece and she was on the grass. so I scooped her up and kissed her cheeks before wiping her eyes.

"It's ok. you're in mommy's arms," I tell her as I hold her close and comfort her while Gray was looking at us in Happy's arms as we gathered the rest of the things.

"She's ok Gray she just was touching grass and dont like it," I tell him as I walked over to Happy so Gray can check on his twin sister.

"see bub mommy's got her calmed down" Happy say

Cece laid her head on my shoulder while Gray patted her hand before he did the same thing as she was.

I smiled before walking off with Happy.


(story called Killer with a heart of gold)

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