I'm having your baby ( Tig)

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After I found out I was expecting and seeing the first scan I bought a onesie that says silly daddy boobies are for babies. which would be perfect for Tigs cause he's got an obsession with my tits.

I approached him from behind telling Happy and Chibs not to say anything as I walked up and wrapped my arms around him.

He jumps which makes me laugh.

"I'll get you back for that Darling." he says as  I drop my arms

 he stands up from his bike since he was sitting side ways and looks at me.

"How bout a kiss and you take a gift?" I asked

"fair enough" he says

I walked around to the front of his bike and he walks before me wrapping his arm around me and kisses me.

"I love you" he says

"Love you too Tiggy blue" I replied before kissing him again

I take his hand and lead him towards the picnic tables nodding for the other two to follow us.

I gestured towards the little box that sat on the picnic table.

"what is it?" he asked

"Open it," I say

he lifts the top off and looks at what's laying inside.

"silly daddy bobbies are for babies" he reads aloud.

Happy and Chibs congratulations him before they start whistling and cheering which causes the others to come see whats going on.

I look at Tig as he keeps looking at the onesie. the tears filling his eyes are not how I thought he'd react. 

"what's going on out here?" Juice asked

"Tigs a daddy to be" Happy tells them

They all congratulate him as he continues to stand there.

"I think ye shocked him lass," Chibs says

"Are you alright man?" Happy asked

Tig slowly starts nodding before he drops the box top and looks at me. a few tears have fallen.

"Are you not happy about this?" I asked 

"I'm very happy, these aren't tears of regret I was just surprised."

"well with the amount of sex the two of you horn dogs have it was bound to happen" Jax comments

Tigs laughed as I walked up to him and wipes his eyes.

"what's the onesie say?" Juice asked

"Silly daddy boobies are for babies," Happy tells them

they all laugh while I pulled Tig to me and hold him before he dips his head and kisses me.

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now