Are all men chauvinist Pigs? (made into a story)

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My friends thought that since my date last night was shit with a disgusting chauvinist Pig that they'd take me to a bar that shared the same lot with a garage so that only meant it was the son's clubhouse.

I slipped on a form fitting dress that showed my bust and hugged my thigh hour glass figure. pairing that with stiletto pumps. 

We arrived at the place and it was packed so there must be some type of party or this is their every Friday night crowd.

My friends looked at me.

"try and have fun, if you get another douche canoe put him in his place" my friend Lacie said

"Or punch him in the mouth and dig your heel in his feet after kneeing his groin." my other friend Eva says

I love her half the time she's so damn violent.

"You girls do the same and hopefully theirs no chauvinist Pigs here."

They nodded their heads and we split ways.

I sat at the bar and asked for a Guinn before I took in the place. it wasn't that bad of a clubhouse for the town bikers. though I'm sure there's more to this place than what the civilians see while drinking and spending their money here.

I noticed this really attractive guy who I swear if I had a chance with him I'd climb him like a damn tree and ride the fuck out of his face. I didn't care if I was sounding slutty this man had the damn facial beard and sexy eyes that's making me fucking wet.

When the guy who was handling the bar placed my drink down I thanked him.

and was about to turn my attention back on the sexy bearded giant when some dude that I had a feeling was going be like my shitty date last night approaches me.

I put on a nice act so I don't come off as a bitch.

Not only was this assclown a chauvinist Pig but also a self centered ass fuck at that.

I told him where to get off before I stood and went to walk away having finished my beer. when the fucker grabbed me and squeezed my wrist.

"you have less then a second to let me go or so help all that are the reaper I'll knee you in the fucking balls so damn hard you'll feel them in your mouth where your tonsils are" I warned

he laughed and I went to do what I said but someone came to my rescue.

"let her go or I'll beat your ass" I heard

When I looked at who talked about creamed my self. it was my giant man. well, I wish he was mine.

I noticed he had some other guys there for back up but I'm sure this beautiful giant can fuck a man's world up alone if needed.

"Why should I let this slut go?" they guy asked

"I don't know where the fuck you chauvinist Pigs get your fucking tiny brains from. but around here you treat women with respect or you get your fucking ass beat if not shot" I say 

"And who will beat my ass?" the chauvinist Pig asked

"I'll do it no problem," giant says

" & I'll beat your ass" the blonde beside him added

Once the guy let me go I smiled in appreciation at my savior watching as two guys escorted the chauvinist Pig out of the clubhouse.

 the blonde and bald headed guy patted giant on the back and walked off.

"How can I thank you for that?" I asked

"don't need to" he says and goes to walk off but I grab his hand making him stop and look at me.

"I want to. so please let me" I tell him


Look for part 2

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