hug from behind

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I didn't have to be told by anyone that something had happened and that my ol man was not in the mood to interact with anyone.

upon my arrival home I was greeted with silence. So I removed my shoes, dropped my keys in the bowl hung up my purse, and headed further inside the house. I didn't call out for him knowing something was going on when he didn't come downstairs to greet me when I got home.

So after I ate a little bit and washed up my dishes before I turned off all the lights and headed upstairs to our shared room where I saw him sitting on the bed.

I slipped off my clothes before I grabbed one of his shirts slipping it on then crawled into bed behind him wrapping my arms around him hugging him.

We sat there in silence as I held him close and pressed a soft kiss to his shoulder before laying my head down.

I knew he wasn't wanting to talk about whatever happened and I wasn't gonna pester or bother him until he did. 

I just stayed where I was hugging him close letting him know that I was there 

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now