ruined dinner part 2

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"I'm not attacking you. if I was trust me you wouldn't question it. I'm simply saying dont bring me into shit that I wasn't part of in the first place."

"funny how you say that and you butted in to mine and Gemmas conversation" Tara says

"you really want to make a scene Tara? cause I will beat your ass you keep trying to start shit. and I will take all these guys to drag me off you."

she huffs like she's some bad ass

"I dont have time for your childish shit so grow the fuck up." I tell her before turning my Attention back to Lyla.

"here is a warning. not threating you or any thing of the sort. dont bring me into your drama. and when you bring up who you are to someone who doesn't know you dont say I'm the girl you boyfriend jerks off to. cause hunny had you said that to me then I wouldn't had been nice."

she looks down and nodded her head.

"what is your issue with Tara?" Jax asks

"I dont have the time to go through the whole list Jackie boy." I replied

"did you threaten her before we got here?"

"damn right I did."

he steps up to me and brushes his hair back.

"I dont take kindly to anyone threating my lady" he says

"you should be more carign about your mother. I mean we all know how protective Gem is to us all. and when someone cries or comes to her with an issue she handles it how she sees fit." I replied

"I care about my mother more then you even know."

"I'm not getting into this with you Jackson. so get out of my face right now and deal with whinny ass over there who cant handle her own shit."

"your lucky your Chib's ol lady" he says

"that has nothing to do with anything. and if you punish him for anything that happens here well I'll handle you. you get in my business I'll get in yours."

he looks at me like he wants to do something.

" I jumped Taras ass for being a disrepectful little whinny ass in your mother's house. she brought her issue with her boss up to Gemma knowing damn good an well how Gemma is when it comes to protecting her family. and since your with little run away she's helped her out. once runaway got word she thought she'd be miss bad ass and jump Gema for doing what Gemma does. if she didn't want Gemma to interfere she shouldn't have whinned about anything and handled it her self. but apparently she cant handle shit by herself."

"Were you there when this occurred?" 

"We just left Chib's room when Tara stopped in the middle of the hallway after seeing her boss and turned to face Gemma and started complaining about her boss. I was standing right there the whole time."

he nodded his head

" You want to handle me Jackson then does so, don't wait till my husband is out to take it out on him. I'm right here."

"not gonna hit you. I don't do that shit."

"then let runaway handle her own. I mean she's supposed to be your ol lady. so she needs to woman up and deal with her issues." 

"I'll do as I want. this is my family."

"she's not your family till you marry her. and from the words, she exchanged with murphy. she's not gonna be."

he looked from me to tara who was looking at me pissed.

"What is she talking about.

"This is just getting better and better," Tigs says

by now everyone has sat down and is just watching the three of us.

"she doesn't know what she's talking about" Tara tries

"Right so you didn't tell Murphy that you accepted the transfer back to Chicago the place you ran away to after this life got too much for you?"

"Tara doesn't lie to me be honest," Jax says

She started tearing up and shook my head and rolled my eyes.

"yes, what's she is saying is true, I'm leaving for Chicago in two days," Tara says

"Was you gonna tell me?"

"the day I was leaving I was gonna tell you,but then things happened with murphy and your mom which risked my transfer so I had to come to handle her."

Jax shook his head.

"get out. go get your fucking sit and get the fuck out" Jax tells her

"I'm sorry"

"no your not," he says

" I do care about you."

he laughs a bit. 


she looks at me before shaking her head

"I hope you're happy"

"I'm sorry happy that I am bursting with joy" I replied

She went to lung at me but I decked her in the eye making her drop before I grabbed fits full of her hair and dragged her to the door.

"Lyla come open the door, its time to toss trash" I called

Lyla did just that and I tossed Tara out.

"Bye bye runaway," I said before slamming the door in her face.

"good riddance,"Lyla says

I walked back up and stood before Jax.

"look we've never had issues between us before. You're my fucking best friend and my ol' man's as well. but when she came into the picture shit when to hell between us. we fought and about got physical regardless of you hitting women. but since she's fucked off you and I can mend our friendship and sweety you can find someone who really truly cares. and if you need someone to talk to I'm here and so is Chibs. "

He wraps his arms around me and cries.

I was so pissed at that heifer for doing this shit to Jax again. only using him for protection knowing how he felt.

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