Want em out already

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Since coming to town to visit some of my blood family and my family in Samcro I've dealt with multiple things. one of which is being heavily pregnant. another is helping with the garage both in the office and making sure that everything is ran perfectly machine wise in the garage if its not have some one come to fix it. 

Now that I'm a five days past my due date I've become a living hell to be around. I snap at the littlest things. 

Half the time no one likes being around me cause they never know when I'll snap. and half the time I get into fights with them over me snapping at them for something that isn't their fault but they are within distance of the war zone.

"you need to get laid" Jax says

"how the fuck do you think I got in this perdiciment I'm in now Jacks?" I asked

he just walked off while Gemma shook her head.

"Baby listen you're killing me. I know your wanting your baby here and being five days past your due date is pissing you off but you getting into it with everyone is not gonna make your baby come sooner" she says

"I've tried practically everything to induce myself" I tell her

she looked at me.

"did you do everything?" 

I looked at her before smirking.

"No, lets see who wants to get nasty with the prego" I replied before I stood up and pressed my hand against my lower back gave Gem a quick kiss on the cheek then walked off.

"wheres my favorite biker that's kinky and freaky?" I called out into the clubhouse

Tig showed up and I smirked before grabbing his hand and all but dragged him to the dorm rooms.

"Whoah angel slow down. where are we going?" he asked

"I need you to help induce my labor. I cant take this shit anymore and having sex helps get the damn labour rolling" I explained as I walked into an unused room and shoved alex isnded as I shut and locked the door before I started stripping down.

"Woah baby. slwo down" he says

I stood there looking at him.

"What?" I asked

"you sure you wanna do this?" he asked

"Yes, please Tiggy blue help me out" I walked over and got on my knees.

"I'll forever be in debut to you" I tell him as I gave him a pleding look

"Lright. but you will be come my ol lady. I've been onining ager your lusious ass since you came back" he says

I slowly stood up and nodded.

"now please strip and fuck me you beautiful man" I said

he stood up and stripped down while I cralwed on to the bed on my hands and knees waiting for him.

"How'd you know this is my favorite position?"

I giggled

"cause Tiggy blue your a little freak" I replied

he slapped my ass making me moan.

"I'll give you a freak baby" he says as he seethed himself into me pushing deeper and deeper till he was fully inside of me.

I gasped and moaned.

"fuck me Alexsander" I cried out

He held my hips and done just that. I fist the sheets and moaned as I started throwing back making him moan and smack my ass.

"Pull my hair" I ordered

"Now who's the freak?" he asked

"I'm daddy's liltte freak" I replied

"Oh fuck me" he says

"we are."

"you only Daddy's and your baby will have my last name is that understood?"

"Uh huh" I replied

he got a little rougher and I exploded along with him.

 When he pulled out and I laid on my back the Labour ball got rolling

"holly shit that's something I've never witnessed" Alex says when my water broke

"Help me in the shower so I can clean up then grabb me one of my dresses from your dorm please" I asked him

Onces I was cleaned and dress as was Alex we walked out.

"Gemma show time" I called out once we was within hearing range of her

"Shit" the guys said as Alex opened my backdoor and helped me in before tossign the keys to Gemma as he climbed in and allowed me to lean back against him and hold his hands tightly.

"So you finally admit your love for one another as you worked on inducing this labour" Gemma asked

"We did and this baby will have my name" Alex answered as I cried and gripped the shit out of poor alex's hands.

"Congrats Tiggy" she says

Hour later I laid there feeding my baby that is now mine and Alex's.

"I wasn't playing with you darling that baby is mine. though I wasn't part of her creating she's my baby girl and your my queen" Alex says

I nodded my head and kissed him when he leaned over and kissed me.

"I cant wait to go through this again with you buy birth a baby boy for you .. even if I have to go through tons of girls till we get you a boy I'll do it" I tell him

"that's why I love you. you want to give me things I've never asked for but you know I want" he says

"Marry me Alex. I know we've fucked around with shit and you was a bit leery with me already pregnant but I want you and I wanna be yours" I say

" you wont be leaving here without my last name" he says

I hummed as I looked back down at our baby girl and carefully kissed her temple making her move a bit before she placed her hand on my boob.

"Yea she's a Trager" Alex joked

"you have a thing for my boobs and that day you latched on when I started leaking since I couldn't pump due to the broken pump. I knew I was only gonna trust you to help induce labor.  with the whole being a bitch and fighting over the stupidest things the idea left my mind till Gem brought it up and then well.. you know the rest" I say looking up at him

"I enjoyed it" he says

"I loved feeling you inside me, and I never want you wrapped up,. bare Alex inside me is heaven" I tell him

"then I'll never wrap it" he says

I motioned him to me her leaned up over our baby girl and kissed me. before I handed her to him along with a little rag so he could burp her. as I laid there and covered my chest.

I smiled watching the man I've been in love with for so long walk around burping our baby girl. and I fell deeper in love with him.

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now