the only Trager that doesn't hate my guts

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I decided that since I finished work early to go pay my dad a visit. so I climbed into sixty nine Camero and headed over to the T-M lot to see him. I swung by mine and his favorite food joint and grabbed us some grub before I continued on my journey.

When I parked I looked at the bikes and spotted dad's, Dyna.

I walked over towards the  picnic tables sat the floor down and heard him walking towards the club house door so I stepped back by the entry and waited.

When him and Chibs walked out I jumped on his back.

"Hi pops how are you this evening?" I asked hanging on to him making CHibs laugh when dad cursed cause I scared him.

"I'm fine if you stop trying to give me a heartattack" he says

I jumped down and he faced me.

"Awe come on I gotta keep you on your toes, I mean honestly you pull worse shit on me" I replied

He laughed at that knowing its true.

"Alright fair enough" he says

"Hi uncle Chibs how are you?" I asked

"great Zahara " he replied

"well since I got a lot of grub you want to join dad and I I'm sure they can be with out you two for a bit" I say gesturing to the big bag of food.

"why not" he says 

so we sat down and I handed out the food while Dad ordered a prospect to get beers.

"No water or pop for me please" I say

"What since when?" Dad asked

"Since my fiance knocked me up" I replied 

"really?" he asked

"Yea I'm having a miniature Koz" I tell him

He looks at me and made a face.

"come on I know you two have issues over him letting your furry baby out but he is in love with your human baby and has been treating her like an angel and now we are adding to our little mix" I replied

"alright. but he fuckls up like I warned him and I'll kick his ass." he says

I pecked Dad's cheek and went back to eating thanking the prospect for my soda as I went to take a drink but noticed something messed up.

"don't touch your beers" I say covering the tops.


"they was drugged" I replied

"what?" dad asked

"your beers was spiked with drugs" I infomred them

"how do you know?"

"if my drink was spiked then I'm sure your's was two not to mention the coloration of the beers are off" I tell them pointing out that the beer wasn't the color it should be.

"motherfucker" TIg got up and went after the prospect while Chibs followed and I dumped the beer.

"thats good beer" I heard

"not being spiked like it was" I replied

"who fucking spiked them?" 

I looked over seeing Jax.

"the newbie prospect along with my soda" I replied as I tossed the trash then cleaned my hands with sanitizer then finished up my food.

"Tig handling him?" Opie asked

"yea & so is uncle Chibs" I replied

they nodded and walked off while I gathered up the trash and tossed it.

"Hi baby" I hear

 I turned and seen my future hubby.

"Hi sexy" I replied as he walking up to me grinning and started kissing me after wrapping me up in his arms.

"I don't need to see you screwing the only Trager that doesn't hate my guts"

I chuckled as I pulled back and looked at dad.

"sorry daddy, was just showing my man some love" I replied

"you want something to drink?" dad asked

"I'm good thank you" I replied

"we handled the little shit," Chibs says

"what happened?" Koz asked

"the new prospect drugged mine,dad's & uncle Chib's beer and soda" I replied

"the fuck?" Koz asked going to let me go but I held on to him.

"daddy and uncle C beat him practically to death I'm sure. also I have great news Koz" I say

 he looks at me waiting for me to share.

"I'm pregnant" I say

 he lifts me up kisses me as he twirls me around.

"finally" he says sitting me down

I smirked.

"you better take great care of my daughter and your twos unborn baby or I'll beat your ass. I'll get over the whole dog incident since your doing hell of a lot better with my daughter whoos much more important to me." Daddy says

"I will treat them like royalty and love them with all that I've got" Koz says

"good you be sure you do that" dad says

I laid my head on Koz shoulder and smiled at Daddy.

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