Loving my body (turned into a story)

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since there were no major business ordeals that the club needed to handle they shut the lot down closing shop early and took their family out to the beach for some fun relaxing time. Of course, some of the porn stars came along with the crow eaters.

I was sitting there burying a giggling Abel while Jax, Opie, Tig, Happy, Juice, and Clay was playing football while Piney and Chibs called fouls and cheats.

After Abel got himself outta the sand him,piper,kenny,and Ellie took off towards the water while I got up and walked with Thomas. I held his hands as the waves came and crashed over our feet. When big ones came I picked him up making it seem like he's jumping the wave.

"Oh my gosh she's pregnant and in that bikini. how disgusting must you be" some girl commented. 

I held my tongue spending time with my baby boy while keep watch on my eldest and his cousins.

"She's not that big more so three or four months so its not disgusting" someone replied

I heard the scuff.

"she is a fuckin cow" the one before said

I tuned them out not wanting to make a scene, just wanting to enjoy this rare day out with everyone.

"Hey mommy can we go and grab something to drink please?" Abel asked as he walked up to me

"Yea sure bub" I replied before I went to scoop up Thomas but Jax beat me too it and peck me on the lips and walked off.

"bub go with daddy and Tommy" I tell him

He nodded and ran off towards Jax while I walked over to the girl that was a croweater.

"look you might feel low about your self since you open your legs like a 24/7  seven eleven. but don't fucking talk shit about me. I love how I fucking look and I make this damn bikini look fucking hot. hell just look at all these men around here googling and drooling at the sight of me" I tel lher and gestured towards the said men.

"now gather up you shit and get the fuck outta her. and never come back to the club house or this cow will sho you its horns" I warned then plastered smile on my face.

She scuffed and did like she was told while I turned to look at the newish crow eaters.

"thank you for the kind words." I tell her

"oh you're welcome" she says

I smiled and walked off joining my boys and family.

"what was that about?" Gemma asked

"a half brained nit wit running her good for nothing cupdupmster trap on me in this bikini. I sat her stairght and told her to leave and that if she shops up at the club house that this cow will show her its horns" I answered as I took a drink of my green tea.

"your not a cow, hell you're not even five months pregnant" Ly says

"I know. but you know how half brained cock suckers are" I replied

"yea sadly I work with some" she replied

I snorted in laughter.

"yea then you know all to well" I replied

he nodded her head before focusing on her son while I leaned over and kissed Abel' on his head.

"I love you baby" I tell him

He looked up at me and smiled.

"I love you too mommy" he says then feeds me a piece of his dorito.

I smiled in thanks as I ate it.

"can I have your fingers too or do I need to take Tommy's?"

 he chuckled and shook his head

"cant eat our fingers" Abel says

"well I think daddy's trying to eat Tommy's" I replied  pointed toward Jax who was playfully bitting Tommys fingers making him laugh.

"Daddy you cant eat his fingers" Abel says as he got up and removed Tommy's fingers from Jax mouth replacing them with his doritor I got part of.

Jax got a kick out of it as he ate the chip.

"alright I wont try to eat bubbys fingers" Jax says once he finished chewing.

"you think this one is a girl?" Gem asked

"GOs I hope so. I need a girl in the house.i'm out numbered " I replied making Gemma chuckle.

"well I felt the same way then you came into our lives being Opie's sister and Jax's baby momma,ol lady, and wifey" she says

"Yet we are still out numbered" I joked

"we need to get these old ladies working on making more girls" she says

I nodded my head in agreement.

"I mean there you, me,  and Lyla. that's not enough compared to the men" Gemma states

"I know and half the time it sucks just being three ol' ladies that deal with the damn whores, croweaters, and porn stars that don't understand that our men are our men not to try and put their raunchy hands all over them" I replied

Gemma and I sat there watching our boys and smiles as Tommy and Abel decided they'd do a pile up on Jax. 

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