Who touched my Hershey's?

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I had purchased a three pound Hershey's cholate bar due to my pregnancy cravings. and I asked Gemma to take it to the club house where I'd come later to spend time with my hubby and the others along with her. 

When I got to the clubhouse Gem told me she'd put it in the fridge so I headed in the kitchen part after thanking her and I opened the fridge to see someone had touched my chocolate bar. after it says don't touch in huge letters practically all over it.

But someone here can't fucking read and now I'm gonna either commit a crime, give someone a limp, or make them a female. I'll decide after I find out who touched my Hersey's.

I stood up right as my hubby came in.

"Hi baby" he greeted

I smiled and pecked his lips.

"Hi" I replied back as he started rubbing and talking to our baby for a bit.

"what are you doing in here?" he asked

 "I had bought a 3lb Hershey's bar for my cravings that I had to wait till today to get and I put on it don't touch before I gave it to Gem to bring here so it can get cold and since I will be here spending time with you and some of the others I figured why not. Anyways I get here and see one of the fuck heads touched my chocolate so I'm gonna either commit a crime, give someone a sex change or make them limp" I tell him 

Which him being Happy he smiles.

"well I know it wasn't me or Chibs cause we just got back form handling matter for Clay" he says

"so that's two fewer Sons that will have one of the three choices done to them," I say before I walked out.

I seen that everyone son and prospect was there so I wasn't gonna have to repeat myself when they showed up. but I bet I'll repeat myself cause they wanna play stupid.

I whistled gaining everyone's attention.

"Alright I wanna know which one of you touched my Hershey's?" I asked

No one said a word.

"come on don't everyone speak at once" I say

 they looked between each other before looking back at me.

"I know Happy and Chibs are innonce since they was handling club business so that leaves the rest of you." I say

"Clay was dealing with other club matter and Piney along with Opie had just came back from the cabin" Gem says

 I nodded my head since that narrowed it down.

"Was it a son or prospect?" I asked

No one answered me as if I was talking to the damn wall or JT's bike.

"I was in the garage handling cars" Jax says

" I was being blown by croweaters" Tig says

"so that leaves Kip,phill,Juice,& ratboy" I say

"I was with Kip cleaning the shitter" Juice says

"alright you two who touched it?"

"I'm sorry I thought Gemma brought it for us all not just you" Ratboy says

"didn't you read the bold big letters of don't touch that was practically covering the top?" I asked

"I didn't notice it I just grabbed it broke me off a piece and went on my way." he says

"Were your hands clean?"

he shook his head and I made a face.

"you mean to tell me that not only did you touch my chocolate bar but you touched it with grimy hands?" I asked

He nodded his head and gulpped.

I went to lung at him but Happy grabbed me and held me back.

"mother fucker that's fuckin disgusting and fucking pisses me the hell off. your so fucking lucky my ol man is hold me back or you'd be rat girl" I tell him

His face pales while the others laugh as Happy takes me away to calm me down before I castrated the prospect.

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