Club performer

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Every time I tell someone that I'm a club performer they always think I'm a stripper. regardless of the times, I've told them I'm not one.

I was invited to a party by one of my friends Carla whose a crow eater with the local MC club. Which at first I told her no that I wasn't wanting to go since I'd be working.

But when the owner of the club called to tell me I had that night free I decided to surprise Carla.

So I slipped on some faux leather pants, with a black crop top paired with ankle boots. I did my hair up in a simple ponytail and used bare minimum makeup.

Once I was dressed up and ready to go I headed over to Teller- Morrow where Carla told me she'd be if I changed my mind.

Once I parked I sent Carla a quick I'm here text before I climbed outta my care pocketed my phone, money, & keys before going inside.

After I scanned the crowd to seek out Carla and coming up empty I headed for the bar and took a seat

"What can I getcha?"

"Do you by chance have Guinn?" I asked

"Ginn and tonic?" he asked

"No like Guiness beer" I replied

"Nah, we don have that shit, we've got pissy shit" he says

"That case I'll take a soad if you have that."

He nodded his head and handed me a can of sprite

"I think i've done and died and went to heaven. Casue I see one hell of an angel before me."

I looked beside me at the person who took up residence on the empty chair.

"You seriously use that for a pick up line?"

"Nope. that one was just for you."

"It was cheesy but sorta cute."

"Name's Tig" he says

"Like the hyper character from winne the pooh?"

He laughed while nodding.

"Yea like him."

"I love him he's ,my favorite followed by poor Eeyore" i replied

"Well what's your name?"

"We'll stick with Angel" I replied

"Godd enough for me."

"I'm not a crow eater if thats what your thinking."

"Your not dressed like one."

I looked at him after taking a drink.

"Oh and what am I dressed like?"

"A bikers wet dream."

I chuckled

"Let me guess its yours?"

"Damn straight Angel."

"Well lets see where the night takes us before we even attempt wet dreams."

"Fair enough."

We sat there at the bar and get aquatined. And surprising ly he's the first to not think of strippers when I told him my profession.

"So what do you do?"

"Club performer"


I looked at him a little shocked which made him laugh


"Your the first to actually get what I am. Generally people think of strippers when I say what I do."

"You said performer not entertainer."

I nodded my head

"Guess some people cant tell the difference."

He agreed with me.

"What about you blue eyes?"


"And biker?"

He nodded

" nice, bet you rather be on your bike then under a car getting oil, grease, and other nasty things people thing belong in their cars all over you."

"Actually darling you'd be surprise about what I do and dont like."

"So you have kinks?"

"Fetishes more like it."

"Nothing wrong with that. Unless you take em' to far and make things creepy and very strange if not weird."

"Some of them are weird or strange others not so much."

I hummed as I took a swing of the pissy beer the bartender claimbed they had.

"Does all the people here drink "Pissy" beery" I asked using air quotation around pissy.

"Its not pissy, its great beer."

"Your right its not I was just informed other wise so I figured I'd ask after I had a swig of it."

"By who?"

"Doesn't matter." I say

He went to talk but I cut him off not meaning to

"Wanna go grab some food?"

"Sure, I'll pay" he says

I shook my head

"I'm inviting you so I pay."

I went to put money down for my two drinks but Tig shook his head.

"On the house."

"ok then come on."

I hopped off my seat and headed for the door waiting for Tig.

Once he walked over we headed out, he took me on his bike to the local diner that stayed open late.

We sat there talking about different things half of them were outta the blue but we kept the conversation going and had fun.

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now