Honky Tonk

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I saddled up some of my friends and we got dressed in a tied crop tops shorts that tie on the side and cowboy boots.

I saddled up some of my friends and we got dressed in a tied crop tops shorts that tie on the side and cowboy boots

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 before we headed to a nearby bar not caring where we were just wanting to have a fun wild.  

When we walked into the place all eyes were on us.

We grinned and headed further into the bar and went to slam down a few drinks before we headed to the dance floor that they had.

When Honky Tonk came on we started dancing and getting into the song.

as the song continued we put on a show for the whole place that was watching us as if we were Las Vegas, showgirls.

We put our arms behind each other's backs as we shook our asses and just had fun being wild and free girls.

We acted as if we were spanking each other before we turned and swayed our hips as we walked off shaking our money maker. 

the sounds of slaps could be heard which was ironic since it was mentioned in the song.

We moved our hips side to side as we continued to dance to the song not caring what was going on around us.

When the song came to an end the crowd cheered and some whistled before the rest joined in.

We smiled and headed back to the bar and got us some more drinks.

"I've never seen a cowgirl in Charming" I heard

"well we're not really cowgirls just girls who dressed up like this and came to have fun," one of my friends told the guy who was one of many to approach us, girls, after our little show.

"well then mind if we join you ladies in on your fun?" another guy asked

"depends on if you're with someone, we don't need the drama of girlfriends, lovers,baby mommas or wives. hell even fiancees," another one of my girls said

"No, we aren't taken in any way or form" another guy replied

"well then welcome aboard our wild fun night," another friend says

"what about you, you gonna welcome me?" the guy standing before me asked

"Welcome aboard" I replied

He smiled and walked up closer to me.

"what made you girls pick this place of all places?" one of the guys asked

"It was the closest bar around" one of us girls replied

"Just so happened to be the son's clubhouse," the guy says

"didn't know that. just knew a lot of people said this was a great place from word of mouth. and like my friend said it was the closest to use besides Lodi" I say

"well ladies welcome to our clubhouse," a guy says

"Thanks for having us," a friend of mine says

We drift off with the guy who was standing before us and danced with them, drank with them, and just enjoyed their time and attention.

I wound up going to bed with the guy that I was spending the greatest amount of time with. when I woke I was laying on top of him and I swear I'm half his size.

"Morning" he greets

"Morning" I replied lifting me head up and looking at him

He rubbed my back.

"Sleep well?" he asked

"Mmm.. I did, thanks to my giant pillow" I replied

He laughs and lifts his head a little I leaned up and kissed him as he holds my head keeping me where I was.

I grinned and nibbled his lip before I sit up and wiggle my ass a bit.

"careful little angel or you'll be ravished" he warns

"oh no the giant wants to ravish me."  I mocked as I kept wiggling my ass grinding a few times.

He lifts me hips then pulls me down slipping his shaft inside of me making me moan.

"Yes giant" I moaned 

"I warned you," he says then proceeds to do just like he warned me.

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