First year - #1 experience

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3 person pov

First year experiences 1-

Athena woke up to Alecto shaking her, so she mumbled to let her sleep but Alecto declined her wishes.

"You have your train ride to Hogwarts. Get up, I'm not saying this again." Responding to this, Athena stayed in bed, not wanting to go to school.

"Alright I will just go grab Amycus then..."

Athena shot up  from her position. Her mind raced of the ways Amycus would wake her up. He was the ruthless sibling, the one Athena would flinch away from.

Even after Athena was taken into their care, he would continue to use sharp glances and stared at the young girl.

After all, the real reason Amycus and Alecto took interest in her was to prepare her for the magical world, and by doing so, they created a traumatized girl who doesn't even know her future nor why she doesn't know her real parents.

Athena was always the smartest young witch that she ever met. She gathered with children of other pure blood families over the years in the Carrow Manor and quickly developed a friendship with Draco Malfoy, Lorenzo Berkshire, Theodore Nott, and Blaise Zabini.

The group was quite odd but they always had the most fun at their elders secret meetings and galas they were forced to attend.

Athena didn't realize, but the four boys she was close with, knew of her heritage. Their fathers would scold them, telling them that they needed to form a bond with the young Witch.

They were also told to not question any bruises on her body if they tended to peek out from under her clothing.

Usually, the bruises were well placed - hidden beneath clothing easily. But sometimes, when Amycus would lose sight in his wake of rage, he would leave marks in visible skin.

Even though Athena had no idea who her real parents were, she had an inkling they were important. People coward in her presence, and for some odd reason, it made her fee indestructible.

Athena grew used to the things Amycus did to her - but she could never figure out why he did do it. She was always well behaved and never spoke up or against them unless she was supposed to.

Draco himself had seen some of her nastier bruising, the ones that would fail to be hidden by her clothes.

His fathers words quickly re-entered his mind, "You will not question any marks Athena has on her body, Amycus doesn't like her in a particular manner for whatever reason and we shall not question anything that proves the outcome of his anger."

It had angered the young boy, but as he conversed with the other boys as they all saw the mark as well, he learned he was not the only one who had been told that specific remark.

A/N - sorry i trailed off on that but i needed to put some background.

As Athena snapped back to the sitting position on her luxurious bed, Alecto nodded approvingly and left her room with a brief smile and word of what she should be wearing to the King's across Station.

Athena got dressed quickly in her school uniform and went downstairs. Not hungry enough to overcome the butterflies of excitement and nervousness, she quickly pipped up about her arrival at the Station.

The Carrow siblings and Riddle Daughter were set off to say their goodbyes.

Of course Athena never took an understanding to her last name; but when the boys she was friends with heard about it coming from her mouth so calmly, all of their eyes widened and their faces went pale.

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