Yule Ball and Task 2

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Athena was running late, she was supposed to be there at 5:45, but because of Onyx's dress problems she had to help her and now she was running completely out of order.

Running through the halls in her dress and silver heels, she felt like the wind was messing up her hair.

She heard Dumbledore call everyone inside the Great Hall to make room for the champions, but that only made Athena sprint harder.

All the sudden, when she round the corner of the staircase, she heard gasps and one particular statement of the last of everyone who were entering the hall.

"She looks gorgeous," One of the patil twins said to Harry, who turned around and looked stunned.

Athena was only looking for her boyfriend, who was standing at the corner of the staircase admiring her with wide eyes.

With every step she felt more confident, and she eventually made it down to her wizard.

As they made their way into the decorated and beautiful hall, everyone started to clap. Gasps were heard when they all saw Hermione and Athena at the end of the line with their dates, all whispers spurred around them.

They made their way to the dance center, and started their traditional dance to start the dance. Theo pulled Athena in by her waist as they started to gracefully dance, impressing everyone who watched as people started to join in.

Many hours later and still dancing with her friends, Athena was having a time of her life. She was drinking from a flask that her and her friends were sharing, dancing right next to Krum and Hermione who were flirting dramatically.

They left the dance floor to go Merlin knows where and left Theo and Athena with their friends.

The singer announced loudly, "Anyone want to join us, who can sing?" Onyx pushed Athena to the front of the band, pointing at her and screaming her name.

The lead singer dragged her up stage, and handed her an extra mic asking her to sing.

Athena tried to climb out of the singer's grip, not wanting to sing. His hold was relentless, and she was left standing in front of everyone anyway.

Athena started to sing the song, eventually getting more courage to do so. The drinks surging through her made her more confident, and Her friends cheered right at her feet as she helped the band perform one of their last songs of the night, and she ended up dragging Onyx up the stage.

Them singing together would be a core memory for as long as they remember this moment, and after the song their dates got them off stage.

Athena told Theo she would be going to get more punch from outside the hall, and when she left the room she found Hermione crying on the staircase. Rushing over, she sat next to her and asked her what was wrong.

"It's Ron! He thinks that"—sob— "he thinks that Krum is using me and that he only wants to get in my pants, and I said he was just jealous. He completely freaked out and ran off muttering some offensive nonsense and I know I shouldn't be like this over it but I don't know what to do!"

Athena hugged her friend, offering some advice.

"It seems like Ron is just jealous and he doesn't know what to do about it. Krum is it an attractive guy and he likes you, that means you're doing something right!" Athena hugged her best friend, telling her it will be alright and she should just let it go.

"If you need any friends to hang out with you know you can hang out with my friends and I, and we will always be there for you," Hermione thanked Athena for her words, and told her she might need to be around some new people for the next week or so before her and Ron can rekindle.

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