Double Agent

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Narrator pov!

Athena got out of the meeting, completely stressed about every single aspect of the task her and Draco had been assigned.

Only a week in and the responsibilities piled on, not only was she assigned the task to kill her headmaster, but she was also a Dark Lord in training.

Because of her busy schedule of getting used to killing and torturing left and right, she barely had any time to apparate to the Burrow, where she would meet with the Weasleys and go to Headquarters.

It was now Tuesday, June 7, a week after they had left Hogwarts for the holiday break. Athena stood outside with Narcissa, who was helping make it less obvious Athena was going to spoil all the plans of the dark lord's future.

Athena had two jobs: one being a spy for the Order, and the other being a member of the death eater army.

"You know, love, if you need any information you don't have, or any food or water or supplies for the Order, you ask me and I will give them to you," Narcissa nodded towards Athena, making sure the young girl knew what side she stood on.

Lucius was facing trials in Azkaban, meaning Narcissa had gotten free to be outside and by herself until he was released.

She secretly put in a word to find him guilty, but she didn't know how far an anonymous suggestion would go for a life in prison or freedom type of trial.

"I know you'll always chose the good Cissy, I will always make sure the Order knows that as well," Athena answered, with the same softness in her voice.

Narcissa and Athena were both very skilled in Legimens and Occlumency, meaning they didn't needed to worry about their conversations being exposed to the Dark Lord.

If anyone were to eavesdrop, Athena would know and surely kill them or bring up a random crime against Voldemort at a meeting, making sure they knew their place.

That's another thing that has been going on, Athena's changed.

Her usual facade of numbness has disappeared and been replaced with a wicked mindset.

Every time someone merely takes a dig at her she fires right back at them.

Before Lucius was sentenced to his trials, at one of the meetings he took a jab at Athena's self esteem.

"Aren't you a little young to be in such high ranks, especially with such a pretty face and good tits and hips, if you get hurt none of us men will enjoy ourselves!" The words took on the table, and all of them went silent, waiting for her response.

"Lucius, as much as it disgusts me to think about my body being used for your pleasure, simply taking a look at the seizures you have when either me or my father walks past you makes me laugh. Also, did you hear that tomorrow your being taken to Azkaban? I'm sure you'll have a lovely time there, and if you continue these little comments I won't hesitate to put you at the bottom of our ranks and keep you in Azkaban." Athena left the meeting with a smirk on her face as Lucius's grin was wiped clean off.

With a swoosh of her wand, Athena left Narcissa in the gardens with her own thoughts, arriving at the Burrow and being greeted by Hermione and Ron almost immediately. Molly rushed out, the twins by her side and looking rather ravishing, per usual.

Being greeted by the Weasley's was nothing short of nostalgic and cozy, the warm embraces washing away any sort of dark magic reeking of Athena's body.

"Come in, Come in deary," Molly shouted as she twisted her way through the kitchen of magical items.

The group of people sat down for a little snack, but nearly 30 minutes later they were off again to Headquarters.

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