3rd year - 1 experience

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i'm watching the movies as i make these so better detail!!!!!!!!!! love u all munchkin moo hoos 😍

If it wasn't for the complete silence in the Divination room, Athena might be bored, but since Professor Trelawny was going nuts over her theories, the class was intrigued.

"You," Trelawny pointed at Athena, "How's your mother dear?"

The class went silent. No one knew who Athena's mother was, not even herself. Dumbledore himself might know, but is keeping it away from her.

"I don't know, never met her." Athena snarled, an attitude erupting inside of her.

Trelawny stepped back, "Find out, I have a sneaky suspicion she's in grave danger!"

Athena quickly shot a glare at the teacher, wondering why she was being so weird about her in specific family.

"Professor, this is complete rubbish! The grim is madness!" Hermione stomped out of the room turning around in the doorway, "And Athena's mother is still unknown, so if you would be so kind to be observant, shut the bloody hell up!"

As the class ended, Slytherins and Gryffindors made their way to the edge of the dark forests, for Mythical Creatures class.

Walking down the hill of the forest with Hagrid and their new books, they were told to stroke the spine of the spider to open the book.

Athena turned and saw Neville on the floor being quite beaten up by the spider.

"Neville you are supposed to stroke the spine!" Athena ran and helped him up, transfiguring his robes back to normal. Everyone was laughing at Neville, including her wizard.

Rolling her eyes, she walked over to Theo and slapped him lightly on the arm, "It's not funny Theo, he could've been hurt. And poor Neville never listens."

"He was laying on the floor being attacked by a book, and you expect me not to laugh?"

"Whatever, I can't see over Ron's big head, we need to move closer to Hagrid." Draco said happily as the Slytherin crew made their way to the front.

Hagrid stood tall next to a weird and large creature, "Tada!" Everyone backed up, widened eyes and everything.

"Anyone wanna ride?" Hagrid said. Athena didn't realize everyone in the class had backed up.

She was standing alone. In front of a Hippogriff.

Hagrid seemed to burst with happiness when he saw who backed away and who didn't.

Looking around confused and in a daze, Athena said, "What? Me? Oh no, I'm ok," She was cut off by Hagrid pushing her forwards and placing her face to face with Buck Beak.

Gulping, she reached her hand out like Hagrid said to do. Buck Beak fluttered his wings and stuck his neck out, challenging.

The winged creature settled his head into Athena's hand, and she smiled at the contact.

Hagrid started to clap, along with the whole class. Theo wolf whistled as she started to back away, but Hagrid picked her up once again and place her on Buck Beak's back.

"Great job! Now you'll go for a ride on 'em!" Hagrid yelled happily, and whole class laughed at Athena's nervous face.

"What? WHAT? OH MY GOD!" Athena screamed as Buck Beak started to flutter his wings again.

"Take off your robes, Athena. You will get it stuck if you keep it on." Hagrid said as Athena nervously grabbed onto Buck Beak. Theo wolf whistled once again as Athena took off her robe and glared at him in disapproval.

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