Two truths and a lie

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hi my loves. this chapter has athena admitting what happened to her, part of healing from it. please read with caution. love u baes.

The group huddled around the couches in the comfortable basement, it was two days after Athena was rescued and she was mostly healed physically, besides some permanent scars.

Magic really had helped with healing.

She was way more comfortable while around the group, getting happier as time passed. Her eyes still didn't leave the dark shade of grey that was imbedded to them, and she didn't expect them to change back any time soon.

Too early for that.

They were sitting near the fire, Athena promised them that she would tell them what she endured while in the cellar.

It was something to do with admitting what you went through that made her want to cry in tears but also celebrate.

It was a part of healing, getting over what happened to you and realizing what happened.

No matter whether she liked it or not, she had to come face to face with it before she could defeat it.

Running away from it would only make it chase after her, she would never let it go.

So, here she was, all attention on her as the group made sure she was comfortable and was sure she wanted to admit to it all.

They planned to play two truths and a lie after, maybe relieving some of her confessions with theirs.

Athena cleared her throat, getting more comfortable with everyone's comforting eyes.

"Well, the first day I was back I had a dinner with the Carrow siblings, I didn't realize there would be guests. I walked in just to find my father at the head of the table," the group went tense at the words, "And after a couple minutes of silence at the table Yaxley, Dolohov, and Greyback joined us."

She cleared her throat again, trying to rid the lump present in the back of her tongue.

"My father announced I would be put in a proper arrangement and should be taught to behave properly by the three, and I left the table and went to my room. No one really liked that, and I was woken up and brought to the cellar." Athena started to tear at the word cellar, reminding her of the pain.

She shifted uncomfortably at the words she was about to say, but followed through anyway, "Yaxley saw me first, he was bad because I didn—wasn't, used to the things that happened to me. He would weaken me first, torture usually. Then, he would test my um, magical abilities. My mind and non verbal mostly," Athena didn't say anything about the last day.

She couldn't.

Onyx started to tear, and Draco was red with anger. Athena continued despite the uncomfortable tension that surged across the group.

"The second two weeks I had Dolohov. He was the best one out of all three. He merely trained me, only tortuous when he needed to be. And when it was his time to leave, he looked almost pitiful for me. He knew something I hadn't known at the time. It was a full moon." Enzo grasped into her arm comfortingly, providing some sort of comfort.

"Greyback was already in wolf form when it was his first night, and that's when the moon hit me. I transformed, and Greyback pounced on me. I had to fight back, and with no potions I had at Hogwarts, I had to transform and do everything against my will. The two weeks with Greyback were horrible, worse then anything I've ever experienced. He was ruthless, numb to my pain I guess." Athena cleared her throat. She felt the silence dawned on the group.

The group was still, but that was okay, expected. They were acknowledging the pain and experiences, letting Athena get used to it herself as well.

"Well," Onyx sniffled and Blaise hugged her from behind, "now we know, and we are going to play two truths and a lie with verita serum to get some things in the open as well, you won't be the only one who has to admit things tonight. we are here for you."

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