Christmas Tears

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i'm sorry. forgive me pls. don't hate me.

The middle of December approached rabidly, sending many towards Hogsmaede in need of a warm drink.

Draco and Athena's relationship blossomed. They spent every day at their spot on the hill facing the lake, talking about everything to anything.

Not to mention, they became before close in other.... topics as well.

They talked about their future, the cabinet, and new ways they could possible complete their tasks.

It was getting closer to when they had to return home, and they knew they needed to come back with good information.

The cabinet being fixed wasn't good enough, they should be going home for break with a plan on how to kill their head master.

But this break felt odd, Athena felt this core darkness rattling from her heart. She denied it whenever she found herself thinking too much on it, but it still bothered her.

She was in her room, getting ready for the Slug Club Christmas party.

She wore a dark red slip dress, allowing her body's curves to shine prominently under the light.

She did the last minute touch ups with her hair and makeup and set out for the Potion's room, which was adorned and charmed to hold the guests.

Draco would be meeting her there, per his request because he had to speak with Snape for the afternoon.

When she walked through the corridors, she finally found her way to the classroom. She waited outside for her wizard's arrival.

Every five minutes she checked her watch, but after looking down at the circular bracelet seven times, so approximately 35 minutes after when Draco was supposed to arrive, she decided to head in.

Upon entering, she found the room to be done up in a wonderful set of curtains and lights.

Neville was walking around with drinks, and when he spotted Athena, he strode over.

"Hello, Athena! Drink?" He nodded towards the plate in his hand with champagne on it.

"I— well I think I am okay, Neville. I like your suit!" Athena said, still looking around for any signs of her boyfriend.

"Say Nev, if you see Draco will you let me know? I haven't seen him and he's my date." Athena asked.

Neville nodded and started to talk about his Herbology findings, because he knew Athena would always listen.

She caught Filch out of the corner of her eye, whispering something in Mrs. Norris's ear that seemed quite disturbing.

"You know Nev, on second thought, I think I will have a drink," Athena grabbed a champagne class and patted Neville on the back for his new Herbology research before heading away to find Harry and Hermione.

She found them behind one of the curtains and ducked forwards them.

"What's happened?" Athena asked.

"Well, Hermione just left Cormac under the mistletoe. That's why she is hiding, I just found her," Harry explained.

"Cormac, that's who you invited?" Athena looked accusingly at Hermione.

"I thought it would make Ron mad," She whispered.

One of the men passing out food approached them, "Dragon Tartare?"

After them saying no he continued, "Just as well, they give one horribly bad breath."

"Well actually, I will take a couple," Hermione grabbed one and started to eat it, "Might keep Cormac at bay. God, here he comes!"

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