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Athena's head was thrown back in ecstasy off the side of the bed and her fingers threaded through Draco's now roused hair.

His tongue darted out, nudging her clit instantly and sending a cry out of her mouth.

"Oh—, fuck—," Athena mumbled incoherently as Draco's tongue was now buried inside her. His eyes found hers as she leaned up on her elbows; and without breaking eye contact, his left hand came up to where his mouth was and replaced his tongue.

His striking eyes never once left hers, but soon enough, Athena couldn't stop herself from rolling her eyes back when his fingers nudged something deep inside her.

Unable to control the sounds exiting her mouth now, Draco brought his right hand up and stuffed her mouth with his two middle fingers.

Athena's tongue moistened the flesh and started suck, all while tasting the metallic rings.

Draco observed her, writhing underneath him with only his hands working her. He knew how to get her like this, how to make her twist and scream.

Realizing she was at her peak, he swooped down and bit down lightly on her clit, making Athena see stars and start to thrash her hips in all directions.

After being able to open her eyes form scrunching them hard, Athena realized Draco was still panting in front of her, his trousers held a large indent.

She had wanted to try for a while, but it was a huge step for her. This would be the only time she wanted to, and she wanted to pretend it was her first.

Climbing on top of him, she could feel his smirk. But Athena wasn't doing what he thought she was, she wanted to take charge of the situation and finally have him sink into her.

Of course, she knew he was large. Larger then she had ever seen, and even heard about from Onyx and Pansy. Onyx shared her and Blaise's sex life details, and Pansy explained her and her one-night stands. Both didn't seem to compare to Draco.

Onyx and Blaise announced their official relationship two nights after the Quidditch game, and Pansy started to hang around their group more often then not.

Draco's hands gripping Athena's waist brought her back to reality.

She was quick with her movements, small hands undoing his belt. But this time, she didn't make her way down his body with light and feathery kisses, trailing down and taking him in her mouth.

This time, she took off his trousers, took off his boxers, and looked at him with her best fuck me eyes.

Draco got the memo, and immediately whispered while swiping away a strand of curly hair from Athena's face, "Are you sure?"

"Positive," Athena replied almost instantly, and within moments she was under Draco.

He kissed her hard, passion leaking from their mouths into the others. Draco's left hand gripped her neck, not too harsh but not too light.

Athena was already stripped down, but Draco quickly took off his shirt and threw off his boxers that were tangled near his ankles.

Draco's attention was back on her, taking in her body in front of him.

Yes — she had scars, she had the dark mark, but in his eyes, she was painfully beautiful.

Because behind every scar left behind on her gorgeous skin was a story of how brave she was. How incredibly strong she was and how she could handle anything thrown at her.

He dove back down, molding their lips together while his hands gripped her waist. Athena widened her hips and spread her legs around Draco's hips.

Blue met green; cold met warm and he said, "Are you really fucking sure right now?"

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