The Order

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Athena was on a broom, zooming through the air with multiple head wizards and witches by her side. They were headed somewhere, she had no idea where.

They landed on a random street, right in front of an apartment building. The building started to spread apart after Moody knocked his cane three times.

More rooms and windows opened to the group, and Athena walked into the building after being told to.

The hallways were crowded with pictures, and the group of people led her to the main room. She was standing in the doorway, and she saw Sirius in the center of the table in the middle of the room.

She smiled at him, starting to lunge into a sprint but Mrs. Weasley stopped in front of her.

"Oh deary! Your here! Finally, everyone has been awaiting your arrival. Now now, dinner will be served in just a couple hours, after the meeting is finished. Straight upstairs, first door on the left." Athena smiled at the jolly woman, going in the direction she pointed.

She opened the door and was brought into a hug; when she saw who it was she gasped. Enzo?

"What?" Athena was staring at the boy she's called her best friend, confused. She looked behind him and saw Hermione and Ron and Harry.

"You didn't think we would let you out without someone to look after you, a fellow Slytherin?" Enzo smirked at her, watching her get all confused all over again.

She walked all over the room, looking and questioning everything.

"It's headquarters—," Ron started but Hermione cut in, "For the Order of the Phoenix. Dumbledore started it when they first started the war between us and You know Who."

"Why wasn't I told? I mean Harry knew this before me? I was the one who fought him, me and Harry were the ones who saw him get— uh-," she stuttered at the words, "created. Harry was alerted and I wasn't?" Athena was about to go on a rant, but she heard a swoosh behind her.

She turned her back to find the twins, both on either side of her.

"Go on then," Fred started, "Finish your rant, love," George finished.

Athena was taken back by their suddenly appearance. They continued, "Wanna hear a little more something interesting?" Fred dragged Athena to the stairwell, where the group leaned over and listened to the conversation in the dining room.

Halfway through something about Snape being part of the order interrupted the group, and the ear got taken off by Crookshanks.

Two hours later, the group of kids made their way down to the dining hall to eat. Athena was stopped in her race to the table by Sirius, and they had a very bone crushing hug.

At dinner, Athena was seated next to Tonks and Enzo, and the two slytherins were enjoying Tonks performance of her abilities being a morphagus.

Kingsley gave Athena a newspaper, and the title of the paper said, "Girl who lies, Boy who lies, Headmaster who lies? Who really knows the truth?"

"What is this about?" The brunette asked, and Lupin started.

"Fudge is a little— eh— taken aback by the news, and is trying to hide your discoveries by stating Dumbledore is after his job. He's trying to cover up everything with lies." Athena was wide eyed after Lupins explanation.

Sirius explained, "We believe Voldemort is trying to regrow his army. 15 years ago, he had a huge army of dark wizards, and many creatures. He doesn't just want an army though, Athena, he wants something he didn't have last time, nor last May." Sirius paused, everyone's eyes warned him not to say what he said next.

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