Gringotts and Hogwarts

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Athena stormed into the room, anger seething from her. Ron had another outburst, even though they had only been at the safe house for two weeks.

Draco rushed in after her, panting, "When did you decide you can run?"

Athena stopped, staring down at her legs. It was true, she hadn't been able to walk without stumbling  for a while, her legs still on the path to recovery.

But after a rather heated argument with Ron, she was too high on adrenaline to notice she was running back to the room.

Her eyebrows quirked up, "I didn't even realize."

"So you can feel them?" Draco asked, closing the door behind him and locking it.

"Well, yes, I don't know fully though," Athena mumbled as her fingers drew circles on her legs through her leggings.

Draco turned fast, mumbling a silence spell on the room and practically racing to Athena when he turned back around.

Athena questioned his motives, but then his hands were on her thighs and hips.

His head swooped down, his lips fanning over hers lightly, "You can feel that?"

Athena could barely breathe, the feeling on his cold hands on her warmth was sending fireworks through her.

She nodded shakily, and Draco took it as a sign. He picked her up, securing her legs around his waist. His lips were on hers in an instant, making Athena's problems melt into a puddle deep in her head.

They made it to the bed, Draco with his back leaning on the headboard as Athena straddled him.

She kissed him back with hunger surging through her, her tongue twisting with his as Draco's fingers drew shapes on her legs.

Draco pulled away, "I'm not done yet, love, but let's get these clothes off, yeah?"

Athena couldn't even nod with the arousal coursing through her.

Draco's nimble fingers tugged her shirt over her stomach, her breasts, and then her shoulders. Soon, it was off.

Athena's eyes went wide as she found the scar on her right arm. It was pink, but it didn't hurt as bad anymore.

Draco saw her eyes trailing over the words with shame, so he grabbed her arm with a delicate hold and leaned his lips onto the letters. He danced feathery kisses along the words, making Athena's heart soar.

Her hands moved on their own accord, grabbing Draco's shirt and tugging it over his head.

The scar she had seen two weeks prior stretched across his chest, from his left shoulder to his right hip.

Draco's eyes showed his humiliation of the scar, so Athena mimicked his actions.

She knelt down slightly, pressing her lips to the line across his upper body. He tensed with the contact, but eventually his hands started to caress Athena.

She skimmed the scar, lightly brushing her lips against it and taking her time.

Soon, Athena was back at Draco's level, connecting their mouths once again.

She went to tug her leggings off her body, but Draco held her hands.

He whispered slightly, "Are you sure? I don't want you to ever feel—,"

"Yes, love, I am sure. I could never feel anything but love with you," Athena mumbled against his mouth before returning her hands to her waist, where her black leggings began.

He helped her tug them off her hips, all the way down to her thighs, and then completely off her body.

His hands roamed her skin, making Athena's spine arch towards him in need. Athena went to move under him, but Draco stopped her.

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