Task 3 pt 2

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She felt her stomach flip at the bushes closing behind her, and she started to pace herself. Speed walking through the maze, she turned a right and spotted Krum looking dazed.

She turned around quickly, remembering what Dumbledore said about not trusting anyone.

Running the other way silently, she found herself deep inside the bushes.

Athena heard a scream from a distance, her eyes going yellow at the sound. The yellow was scared, and she knew what it meant.

Maybe if she could go a couple more rights into the maze, she would be closer to the cup.

Her heart was racing, beating out of her chest as her breathe quickened with every step. Turning the corner sharp by cautious, she saw Krum on the ground and distant voices.

She sent sparks up into the sky, signaling someone to help Krum. Athena's head snapped in the direction of whispered.

She followed the voices and found herself face to face with her fellow Hogwarts classmates.

"Great, another person." Harry said under his breathe, but silenced when Athena shot him a glare with her red eyes.

"We know where the cup is, two lefts and it's straight ahead, follow us." Cedric was proudful as he led the way, the two younger kids following.

There, right in front of their eyes, was the glowing cup. They just had to go for it. Athena watched the two boys go for it, sprinting next to each, but getting caught in the ground roots going at them.

Athena knew better, no way they would let them slide that quickly. She used her powers to unleash the boys from the roots as she floated to the cup with a simple spell. The boys stood beside her staring at it.

"No fighting, boys, we grab it together. It doesn't matter who wins anymore if we do it as a school." Athena told the boys as they nodded along her words.

They reached for it together, and all the sudden a sharp tug pulled at Athena's ribs and stomach.

She landed on the floor with a hard thud, looking around and seeing the graveyard from her nightmares surround her.

Harry seemed to have the same reaction because he leapt to his feet and looked around, and right as they were going back towards the cup someone left the dungeon like door about 50 feet away.

"It's a port key, cool!" Cedric was staring at the cup, admiring it from afar.

"Cedric, move back, please," Athena begged Cedric to move back but he wouldn't budge.

The kids attention was now all on Pettigrew - who was walking toward them, with something in his hand. "Killlll the sssspareeee..." A weak voice shouted from under Pettigrew's arm.

His wand aimed at Cedric, sending a light right at him. Athena was quick, jumping in front of Cedric. The light went through Athena's hand, hitting Cedric anyway.

Athena turned, not knowing if Cedric was okay, but was pulled back by a spell. She found herself locked into a skeleton statue's arms, with Harry in another one beside her.

"Do what you musssst, whatever you musssst." The voice spoke again, booming through the silent air filled with only the struggled noises of Athena and Harry.

Pettigrew walked up to Athena with a knife, making her squirm in the hold even more. He started to chant some unknown words under his breath, tracing his knife along Athena's face. Her heart started to ache, painfully so.

She realized he was a death eater, and she knew something to do with her father would be happening.

The strange man brought his knife over Athena's arm, but quickly retracted and walked towards Harry.

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