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The Pensieve changed scenes once again, allowing Harry and Athena to look into yet another memory.

"Look sharp Tom, 'ought to be caught out of bed after hours," Slughorn said, turning to see young Tom Riddle, "is something on your mind, Tom?"

"Yes, sir. You see I couldn't think of anyone else to go to. The other professors, well they aren't like you. They might, misunderstand," Tom said.

"What?" Slughorn asked.

"I was in the library the other night, the restricted section. And I read something," he took a breath, "rather odd about a rare piece of magic. I thought that maybe you could illuminate me. It is called, as I understand it, A—," The voice went blurry.

"I beg your pardon? I don't know anything about such things! And if I did I wouldn't tell you! Now get out of here at once!"

The memory faded as Athena and Harry's heads re-entered the world.

"Confused? I would be surprised if you weren't," Dumbledore said while pacing.

"I don't understand, what happened?" Harry said.

"This is perhaps the most important memory I've collected, and it is also a lie. It has been tampered with, by the same person's memory it is. Our old friend, Professor Slughorn." He said.

"But why would he tamper with his own memory?" Athena asked.

"I suspect he is ashamed of it," The headmaster said, "Why? I have no idea."

He continued, "I asked you two to get to know Professor Slughorn, and you have. Now I want you to pursuance him to divulge his true memory — any way you can."

Athena breathed in before explaining, "I don't really know him that well, and I don't think Harry does either."

Harry nodded in agreement. Dumbledore sighed and got between the two, "This memory is everything. Without it, we are blind. Without it, we leave the gate of our world to change. You two have no choice, you must not fail."

Athena groaned and whispered to herself, "Another fucking task."


Harry and Athena were waiting for Slughorn's class to end.

Harry breathed in, "I understand why you have to do it. I just can't accept it, myself I mean. It's hard to, because he has done so much for me."

Athena got what he was trying to say, "Harry, I won't say that you acting out didn't hurt, because that would be a lie, but I understand why you were being like that. Just forget about it, okay? I won't do anything without alerting you first."

Harry nodded before extending his hand, "Friends, again?"

Athena nodded and smiled, shaking his hand. They peeked into the classroom to find their professor's class exiting.

They entered, finding him delighted to see them.

"Aha! If it isn't the Potions Royals themselves! To what do I owe this pleasure?" He said while cleaning his supply closet.

"Sir, we wondered if we may ask you something?" Harry started.

"Ask away, dear boy, ask away!" Slughorn replied.

"The other day I was in the library, in the restricted section, and I came across something rather— weird — about a rare piece of magic," Athena started.

Slughorn got in visibly uncomfortable, but continued nonetheless, "Yes, and what was this rare piece of magic?"

Harry spoke up, "I — don't know exactly. I was just wondering if there are some kinds of magic you aren't allowed to teach us?"

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