second year - #2 experience

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hi loves! hope you enjoy! happy reading baes

Weeks later and the Athena still came up with nothing, as she still didn't know who the slytherin heir is. Hermione was petrified, leaving behind some clues in a note from her jacket for Athena. Not only did Hermione give Athena clues, but also motivation. As her best friend was now petrified and she needed to find the answer.

Hermione's paper she held when she got petrified didn't help much, but it did give the group some
kind of idea about what they should be looking for.

Although in those weeks, Athena found herself being taunted by some and cheered on by others for the rumors on her being the heir. Her parsle tounge didn't help her cause.

One day, Blaise and Theo lifted Athena onto their shoulders while Draco and Enzo played "Bow down" by a new muggle artist, Beyoncé. Onyx followed with Fred and George, throwing fake money onto the floor. Neville followed with a plant that kept giving money to the four kids.

Everyone stopped eating and watched as the group made their way to the slytherin table, where Athena was escorted into her seat. Everyone was in a fit of laughter by the time she made it to the seat and even the professors were laughing.

Nevertheless, when december rolled around the corner, Harry barged into the library, where Draco, Athena, Theo, Blaise, Enzo and Onyx were reading.

"Guys i've found something that could help!"

"What is it, Potter?" Draco stated quickly, determined to memorize the potions for the test in three days.

"Look, it's Tom Riddles Diary! I think it's the thing that is possessing someone!"

"Wow, Harry, for once you did something useful besides almost die. Ok, thank you, sit down." Athena instructed.

Sitting down, Harry mumbled something incoherent. Draco and Onyx looked over at Athena as she opened the book.

The words "Hello" popped up as the group gasped, which caught harry's attention and he soon looked over as well.

Athena wrote down with her quill a greeting, and then asked what the books name was.

"Tom Riddle, I am Tom Riddle"

"I am Athena Riddle"

"My daughter i see..."

"Yes, so?"

"The chamber is open, it's in the abandoned girls bathroom, the sink faucet will turn and open with parsle tounge. You speak it, you just have to say it in snake language."


"You should know what the beast is... i am disappointed..."

Athena dug through her bag, finding the crumpled note from Hermione.

"A basilisk," she whispered to herself, "That's why Harry and I can talk Parseltongue. That's why we can hear it in the halls!"

She wrote down the words as she said them, and Tom Riddle responded.

"Yes very good, now go open it."

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