Dinner, and the start of summer

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guys big TW, mentions of rape and abuse. please please read at your own risk. i love you all and my conversations are always open my loves <3

Athena dressed appropriately, a black dress and black heels, leaving her hair down in her curly mess.

She walked down the stairs as her heart beat pounded in her ears, she heard distant talking in the dining hall.

Opening the door, she found her father at the head of the table, she froze.

The flashbacks started, the duel, the mark, the cutting, the crutio, her screams echoed in her own ears as she stared at her own very father.

"Athena, sit. down." Amycus said firmly, shooting bullet looks at the girl.

She sat down, three seats away from her father and across from Alecto — who was silent.

The front door opened, and she heard even more talking as silenced ceased over the table. The door to the dining hall opened, and in walked Fenrir Greyback, Dolohov, and Yaxley.

They all stared at Athena, as Dolohov wolf whistled when searching her body with his eyes.

She shifted uncomfortably in her seat as Fenrir took a seat right next to her, eyeing her down. Dolohov sat next to Alecto, diagonal from Athena while Yaxley sat next to Voldemort.

Amycus got up, ringing his drink, signaling a toast.

"A toast to our remarkable leader re-joining us here today, and all because of this young lady," He motioned to Athena as she felt she wanted to get swallowed in a hole and never come out.

"May we eat in joy and happiness, as we will finally take over." The men cheered as Alecto clapped slightly.

Athena stayed silent as everyone awaited her reaction. Fenrir drawled his hand towards her exposed knee cap, grasping onto it lightly as she flinched away. He chuckled, saying something under his breathe.

Dolohov, watching the whole thing, spoke up for Greyback, "What he means is, your knee cap isn't the only thing we will be touching soon," He snarled while his words spurred out, making Athena shift slightly in her seat. She felt a bile of vomit curl into her throat.

Voldemort laughed, praising his men for making her uncomfortable. He started to clear his throat halfway through the meal.

"My followers, as we know, Athena here resisted me at the graveyard. Your job is to get her completely handled to where she does anything we ask. She's grown quite a bit, as we can see, and if you must go physically, do it," He chuckled at what he said as Athena shivered, her eyes a bright purple shade.

"My men, you are angry people with no wives, if you need someone to take anything out on, it's her. Isn't that right Athena?" They all turned towards her, and she felt Greyback place his hand on her higher left thigh, she darted out of her seat and ran out of the dining hall, sprinting to her room and locking it right away.

She let the tears fall finally, and when they did they were nonstop. She wouldn't have time to write her friends, she just hoped they would realize sooner or later that she wasn't ok.

And— and those men. They wanted to hurt her, take her innocent from her.

Athena raced into the bathroom connected to her room, heaving up contents of of stomach. Tears cascaded down her face as she emptied her gut into the toilet, vomiting relentlessly.

After she smoothed her stomach, she made her way back into her room and changed into her pajamas.

She crumbled under the sheets of her bed, not even feeling safe then. She should've thought about what she just did before hand, now she will probably get even more tortured.

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