First year - #2 experience

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Hi lovers.

This chapter will mainly be the sorting and dorming experience. Also ik i get carried away writing there is no need for any comments so just enjoy me over sharing 😍.

Anyways i love u guys as always

enjoy this chapter my lovers <3

3rd person pov

Hermione jumped on the stool, her bright eyes gleaming at the hall around her. The hat barely touched her frizzy hair before screaming into the air, "GRYFFINDOR!"

Athena and Onyx clapped, along with many others.
This commotion of noise repeated as Harry and Ron were also sorted into that same red and gold house.

Onyx, Enzo, Blaise, Theo, and Draco had all been sorted into Slytherin. Athena was left last of the whole first years and was very embarrassed to be standing there waiting for her name.

But she walked with great pride and confidence up to the sorting hat.

"Oh, what do we have here.... A Riddle??" Everyone's eyes widened and shifted in their seats as they watched carefully.

The great hall had gone silent for the first time since they entered as a group of first years. Athena took no mind to the uncomfortable shift in the hall and continues listening to the hat.

"It seems you would do well and strive in all houses. You have the Hufflepuff loyalty surging through you, Gryffindor pride and bravery as well. You seem to be, by the looks of it, the smartest witch of your age, so you would definitely fit in well with the wise Ravenclaws. But over all of this..." The sorting hat announced.

"Your Slytherin ambitions and confidence is overcoming everything else. I proudly announce you, Athena Riddle, a Slytherin!!!"

The emerald green and silver table roared with cheers and claps, as most of the other tables groaned as they missed the chance of her in their house.

She was welcomed with warm smiles and a plate of food as she took her spot next to Onyx and Enzo.

After the great hall feast, Athena excused herself and went to the bathroom. Little did the witch know as soon as she left the hall Dumbledore took it upon himself to make it clear no one was to mention Athenas family heritage and make her uncomfortable, as she is still unknowing of her biological father.

The students nodded in agreement as the headmaster explained he will break the news next year or in 3 year, to make sure she is mature enough to handle such a big conversation.

As Athena re entered the great hall, she noted some of the eyes drifted from the food in front of them to her. She ignores them quickly and made her way to the slytherin table and sat down next to her friends.

When she sat down, Enzo leaned over her shoulder. His eyes gleamed with mischievousness, "How much you wanna bet those two red headed twins are Weasley's?"

Athena rolled her eyes, "Enzo, you know they are. There's no need to bet on it, but I have heard they are quite the trouble makers."

Enzo's eyes twinkled as he laughed, "So let's keep you away from them?"

"Never take me away from creating madness," Athena said with a smirk.

• • •

The Slytherin friend group quickly formed bonds over dinner, as if they have been friends since forever. Onyx and Athena roomed together as the four boys had to be smushed.

The Carrows paid extra money for Athena to be in a room with one other girl, and they wanted her to be pureblood.

The Riddle heir must have had the Felix luck potion because when Onyx announced her room number, and it was the same as Athenas, they expressed girlish squeals and ran to their room to unpack and decorate.

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