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The Minister of Magic was dead at Athena's feet as cameras flashed around her.

"Let's go, Athena, we need to prepare for the attack," Voldemort hissed before apparation away.

Athena disapparited into the Malfoy Manor to find Death Eaters ready to attack. They were waiting for her, their new queen.

It had only been a week since she was named the Queen of Death, but so many had kneeled to her.

Now, they were planning to attack Bill and Fleur Weasley's wedding. It would be perfect timing.

Voldemort ended his quick speech, and then, "Go off, now! Get the Potter boy!"

Athena went to apparate, but Draco's arms wrapped around her, "Escape tonight, find Granger and Potter and Weasley, and get the fuck out."

Athena turned, new tears forming in her eyes, "What?"

"You know as well as I do that they will leave now, so please, run away," Draco said with teary eyes.

"I— I can't leave you—," Athena tried to say.

Draco kissed her. Draco leaned down and caught her lips, bringing them into a passionate connection.

Athena kissed back, but not nearly enough time had passed before Draco pulled away.

"Go, run, be safe. You'll find me eventually, and then we can be together," Draco said.

Athena let tears fall, "I love you a thousand, Draco."

"I love you a thousand more, my love," Draco said before walking away.

Athena stared only for a second before apparating, a new crack in her heart making her tears fall fast. Her undetectable extension charm was placed on her bag inside her robes.

She appeared in the center of a tent, surrounded by Weasley's and guests. She heard screams to her arrival, but she was too busy looking around for the Golden Trio.

She spotted Hermione, who was racing towards Ron. She ran towards them, seeing them and Harry approach as well.

Hermione's eyes widened as she just realized Athena was there, but they had already apparated from the scene.

They landed in the middle of what looked like London, but they moved out of the way of a bus before it crashed into them.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Riddle?" Ron spat.

Athena didn't answer but grabbed the three's arms, dragging them out of the road, "Where are we?"

"Shaftesbury Avenue, I used to come to the theater here with mum and dad. I don't know why I though of it, it had just popped in my head. This way," Hermione said in a bossy tone before turning down a desolate alley way.

Athena noticed the odd mention of her parents, but shook it off.

"We need to change," Hermione reached inside her bag, which also had an undetectable extension charm. She grabbed clothes before handing them to the group, finally turning towards Athena.

"What are you doing here?" She said.

"I think I know some of the Horcuxes and where they could be, some of my father's memories are hidden within mine. I think it's some weird connection," Athena explained.

"That's not what we mean, Queen of Death," Harry spat out with venom laced in his tone.

Athena sighed, irritated, "You have to realize I didn't want to do any of that, do you think it's easy being raised in a double life? Having to save and then kill? I've numbed and hoped that everyone I have to kill or torture will find peace eventually. I don't want to do any of it."

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