Task 3 - Pt 1

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As Athena was studying in the library, she found out the third task would be the hardest.

Theo told her not to worry about it but she continued to question her abilities. She excused herself and started for Dumbledore's office, trying to seek help.

When she made it and turned up into the pheonix, she heard men talking behind the walls. She recognized one of the voices as Cornerlius Fudge, the minister.

"Dumbledore, there has to be more to all of this, there is no way some student happened to accidentally misspell or some creature attacked him, Bartley Croutch was murdered, and you know it!" The minister announced to them both, sounding clearly frustrated and confused.

Athena gasped at the confession, taking a step back behind her hiding space near the door. Leaning closer she heard Mad Eye Moody speak, "It seems we are no longer alone boys," and the door crept open as soon as Athena leaned on it.

Tumbling down with a thud, the men stared at Athena on the floor. She got up awkwardly as Dumbledore excused the two, leaving her and him alone.

"I sense you seek my presence, is there any particular reason?" The man asked, rather wisely.

"I want to know if my abilities will get me far in this task, I am scared for myself and Harry. I am only 15 sir, and he's only 14. We are kids, and it feels like we are just being baited out like meat since the first task. One, we got the most dangerous dragons, and two, more of our friends were put in the water. Merlin knows Cedric and Krum could care less about Onyx, Theo, and Ron. It has been against us and we have both been near death both times, I need to know what I have to do to get through this task." Athena was out of breathe by the end of her rant, and Dumbledore seemed taken aback by her statement.

"I see child, you have been playing a ruthless game so far, and it has not been treating you nicely. But you must remember the things that you know how to do, sometimes the simple things get your furthest in these challenges; Athena may I ask you something?"

Athena nodded along the headmasters words, even though she had no idea what he meant, "Yes go ahead sir."

"Did you hear what we were saying behind the door?"

"Yes sir, but I wont say a word if you don't want it out. I have a question about that too if you don't mind," Dumbledore started to pace, agreeing with something he was saying to himself.

"Look inside this for me, please," He led Athena towards a large barrel of blue and silver liquid, it seemed transparent almost as well, "I want you to dump your head in it, don't worry your hair will be fine. I want you to give me your opinions on it."

Athena dunked her head in the barrel, and she found herself falling down a tunnel. Landing in a seat next to a rather young professor Dumbledore, she tried getting his attention until she felt something go through her. Looking down, she saw someone's hand go through her transparent body, shaking Dumbledore's hand.

She looked around at her surroundings, she was in a courtroom. She spotted Barty Croutch sitting in the judge chair, commencing silence of the room so, so... Ivor? Igor! Igor was in the penalty box in the middle of the room.

"Do you plead your innocence and promise to provide as much information to get you out of your death for supporting the dark lord?" Barty said, asking Igor.


"Ok, who was part of the 'group', and what was their role?"

"Bellatrix Lestrange, she tortured the Longbottoms and many others, she was a core follower of you know who and always did whatever he asked," Igor was pleading on his feet while saying it.

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