The Battle of Hogwarts

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Racing through the same corridors Athena grew up in, she smiled at the memories coming back to her. Her laugh with Onny and the rest of the crew, sneaking off with Draco.

But they had a job to do, and it was to find Voldemort and Nagini.

As they raced, they saw their school being destroyed. Stairwells were being torn apart, walls crumbling under spells.

The night was echoing in their ears as spells whizzed past them, and they finally made it to the courtyard.

People were dying, falling everywhere left and right. Athena saw Fred and George in a battle with Yaxley, Rowle, and an unknown Death Eater.

George was taken down, and Athena couldn't stop herself. Her hands shot out and the three Death Eaters flung back from her magic. Yaxley's body landed in front of a hungry, giant spider, and the creature attacked.

Rowle was blown into a corridor wall, collapsing with the bricks. And the unknown Death Eater was flung into a giant. The giant brushed him off with a flick of its finger.

They got past the scenes, charging through the courtyard as they made their way into a standing hallway.

At the end of the hallway was Lavender Brown, and on top of her — Fenrir.

Athena went to shoot out her arms, but Hermione cursed Fenrir first.

Lavender looked pale, but Athena sent a healing curse almost immediately. Lavender's color in her face returned, but the five couldn't wait around. Fenrir darted another direction.

They raced away from the scene, only then noticing a giant was chasing after them.

"What in bloody fucks name—," Draco started, but the giant swung its large arms and took down pillars that were standing near them.

Athena heard a similar voice, a scream. She turned just in time to find Bellatrix over Onny.

"NO!" Athena screamed, charging forward. Her hands were flying spells at Bellatrix before she could process what was happening.

Blaise raced into the scene, looking at Onyx and taking her in his arms.

Bellatrix ran away, frightened at Athena's new anger. Athena turned to Blaise, who was holding onto a weak Onyx.

"I'll be alright, I'll take her to Pomfrey," Blaise said.

Theo, Enzo, and Pansy appeared, their wands in their hands.

Athena hesitated, prompting Theo to speak up, "Go fucking murder the ugly cunt."

Athena laughed slightly, looking at all of her friends. This might be the last time she would see them, but then something sparked in her head.

She turned to Draco fast, "Go with them."

"What? Absolutely fucking not!" Draco replied, confused.

Athena sighed, "Please. I can't lose you, Draco, and you know that you will be so much safer with them. With me, I will be face to face with my father. He will kill you, Draco."

Draco shook his head, tears forming in his eyes, "No, I can't leave you and— and our baby— Athena, please,"

Athena grabbed his face and tugged him into her, molding their lips together one last time.

She shocked him slightly through her fingers, making him take a step back — confused and cursed by her electric spell.

Her fingers were still slightly glowing when she backed away a couple feet.

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