3rd year - 3 experience

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hey queens! love u all. here baes.

Walking down the corridor with Draco, Harry, and Enzo, they turned down the path towards Hagrids hut but found Marcus Flint and Isabella Pucey, Adrian's older step sister, watching from a boulder piece.

Harry and Athena didn't think twice before taking a sprint toward them, spitting out insults fast.

Before she knew it, Athena's fist was plummeting towards Flint's face and Harry pushed away Isabella. Draco and Enzo cheered from the back as they sprinted down to the hut.

They saw BuckBeak tied down, they were confused because Mr. Malfoy responded to Athena's howler by saying he will fix it.

They waited until they saw Mr. Malfoy walk down the path with someone who was carrying a huge machete, and Mr. Malfoy widened his eyes when he saw Athena staring angrily at him.

"How dare you! You promised you wouldn't do anything and you would change the death sentence!" Mr. Malfoy started to stutter under Athena's red eyes staring at him.

She marched furiously at the guy with the large knife and immediately unarmed him and sent him flying, turning towards Mr. Malfoy and screaming at him yet again.

BuckBeak was somehow untied already, making him fly away at the sudden commotion.

"Did something happen?" The minister looked very confused as ever as he saw the hippogriff being gone.

"Change of plans sir, Athena here showed me what a great creature this thing really is," Mr. Malfoy explained very calmly, making it seem very true.


On the way back to the castle Harry lost track of Scabbers, whom he was watching while Ron was in extra help for transfiguration, took into a sprint toward the whomping willow.

Sprinting after the rat, The boys found themselves face to face with a large wolf, black with blue icy eyes.

The boys ran, not thinking about what direction they were in before they found themselves tangled in the branches of the whomping willow.

The wolf was waiting in a ditch for the first one to be thrown down, and as soon as Harry and Enzo left the branches, the dog dragged them along inside the ditch. Athena and Draco fell soon after, chasing after them.

Following the path, the two followed the trail of footprints up the shrieking shack. They found Harry and Enzo huddling in the corner near Scabbers.

"Harry, Enzo!" Athena raced towards them, but they whispered to stay back and turn around. Turning around, Athena saw a strange man in a ratted trench coat, old prison gear, and it was Sirius Black.

He was standing right in front of her, his wand pointed in her direction.

"Athena Riddle! Why-" He couldnt finish his sentence, Lupin raced to the shack upstairs.

"What is going on in here, children?!" Lupin raced to aid the kids, but right when he did, Athena jumped out of his grasp and ran for Sirius.

"You're a traitor! To both sides!" She ran until she realized she was being held back, Draco's strong arms were wrapped around her waist. Looking at him furious, she realized Lupin told him to do it.

"What are you doing, Moony?" As soon as the words left her mouth, Lupin walked towards Sirius and gave him a hug and said something to do with missing him.

"We trusted you! And your friends with this murderer?" Harry shrieked.

"No one murdered anyone, besides him!" Sirius pointed his wand at the rat in Enzo's hand, being held by the tail.

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