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The sun was bright, shining down the green fields as Harry, Hermione, Athena, and Ron made their way through the plants.

Ron watched Hermione and Harry, simultaneously listening to the Potterwatch.

Hermione grabbed the endless water canteen, handing it to Harry for him to drink.

After a couple more hours of walking in the middle of September sun, they walked into an abandoned barn to hide from the roaming Death Eaters.

Potterwatch was still rolling loudly.

Ron grumbled as he watched Hermione give attention to Harry near the run down trailer park they walked through. They had been walking for days already, the locket seemed like a burden for Ron.

Athena continued to do research, carrying a book or journal everywhere they walked.

In the next few days, they walked along beaches and abandoned locations, searching for a good and secure area.

They finally found one particular hidden away island like beach, so they set up camp.


It was September 17, two days before Hermione and Athena's birthday. Athena was reading her journal on weapons while Hermione cut Harry's hair, the potterwatch still blaring.

Athena read and read, her mind stumbling and scattering.

Finally, she stopped, "Oh my God!"

Harry and Hermione turned, "What?"

"The Sword of Gryffindor, it's Goblin Made!" Athena announced, her hands skimming pages in books.

Harry and Hermione entered the upper area of the tent, Hermione catching on slowly.

"Brilliant!" Harry tried to be supportive while clueless.

"No, you don't understand, dirt and rust have no affect on the blade. It only takes in that, which makes it stronger," Athena tried to explain.

Hermione nodded along, her eyes skimming the page Athena's hand was resting on. Harry was still confused, "okay?"

"Harry, you and I already destroyed one Horcrux. My father's diary in the chamber of Secrets!" Athena once again exclaimed.

"With a Basilisk Fang," Harry said with furrowed eyes, sarcasm dripping from his tongue, "If you tell me you have one of those if your bloody beaded bag..."

Hermione caught on right away, "Don't you see? In the Chamber of Secrets you stabbed the Basilisk with the Sword of Gryffindor. It's blade is impregnated with Basilisk venom!"

Harry started to understand, "It only takes in that which makes it stronger."

"Exactly, which is why it can destroy Horcuxes," Athena urged on as Harry sat down.

"You are brilliant, Athena. Brilliant, Hermione," Harry said.

"That's why Dumbledore left you the sword in his will!" Hermione said.

"He left you the fucking Sword of Gryffindor?" Athena asked, eyes blown wide.

"There is only one problem—," Harry started. The lights went out quickly with a slight swoosh, and the shadow of Ron entered the room.

"— The sword was stolen. Yeah, I am still here. But you three carry on. Don't let me spoil your fun," Ron spat.

Harry closed the book he was eyeing, "What's wrong?"

"Wrong?" Ron took a breath, "nothings wrong. Not according to you anyway."

"Look, Ron, if you have something to say, don't be shy," Athena said.

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