Books, Quidditch, and Parties

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Sectumsempre, used for enemies. The veins in the rib and upper body area are sliced precisely so the victim will die within 30 minutes. The fast acting spell will be useful in duels.


The words replayed in Athena's head while she walked to class, ate, drank, and breathed.

They would ring in her head as Draco healed in the hospital wing. She had visited him 5 times every day.

Once first thing in the morning — before he woke up, once after each class and she had two classes every day, once before dinner, and once before she went to bed.

They would sit in silence or just talk about everything to anything.

Athena didn't realize how much his absence in her every day life would affect her, but him not being there to lean on was hard.

She had gone to the room of requirement 10 times in the last 5 days, and read the Half Blood Prince potions text book 7 times over. She practically memorized all of the spells and brewings.

So here she was, staring at Draco while he slept. He would be released tomorrow, and she loved how peaceful he looked when he was asleep.

His eyebrows would unfurrow and his face would relax; the tenseness in his body would stay calm while he dreamt and slept.

Athena was staring, and she knew that. She was staring at someone who she had gotten closer with, shared kisses with, and had cried with. She never thought she would ever open her heart up again after Theo, but here she was staring at a beautiful boy sleeping.

His voice startled her from her sitting position at the edge of his bed in the chair, "Stop staring at me."

"I wasn't staring, I was.." Athena paused, "admiring."

Time stopped for a moment, and the gravity of the situation dawned on Athena.

"Do you need anything?" She asked, ready to run across Europe to get anything he needed to be more comfortable.

"I'm just a little cold," Draco replied, even if the infirmary had the best heated blankets in the school.

"You are always cold," Athena replied, knowing his body was always freezing.

He scooted over to leave some room in the small twin sized hospital bed in response, and without even sharing words, Athena knew what was expected.

She got up silently and made her way into the bed, tucking herself under the covers.

Draco's hand wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer so her head was on his chest and her body was glued to his.

He was cold yes, but under the covers was heated and warmth surrounded them both.

They laid in silence again, something they usually would do when words could simply not describe themselves.

Because how could they talk? How could they speak like everything was normal when in reality their lives were at stake. If they failed, Voldemort promised they would suffer. When Draco almost refused to take the mark, the rest of the Slytherin's lives in their friend group was put up for death.

"I— I don't—," Draco refused to kneel in front of Voldemort.

Lucius scowled behind his son, ready to march up and hit him for refusing. Voldemort held his hand up, silencing and halting Lucius.

"If you don't take this mark, I will make you watch as I kill Lorenzo Berkshire, Onyx De'Loughrey, and Blaise Zabini, maybe even Athena here."

Athena shivered at the memory. Draco breathed deeply, something she realized he did every time he was about to say something hard for him to say.

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