Impossible Plans

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The days rolled past fast, and Athena and Draco were nearing the deadline.

December was just a week away, snow coating the ground in lovely layers. Athena always thought Hogwarts was most beautiful then, when the whomping willow was covered in white frost and the grounds would almost be blinding to look at.

In a way, the snow reminded her of her and Draco.

They were cut off, secured from the world and confined in a cold cell all of their lives; being taught cruel and disturbing ways of life.

So, from first glance, they were beautiful. Their striking looks and amazing propriety. They had the manners, the looks, and sometimes the kindness. They were as loyal as they come.

Athena and Draco were gorgeous to watch, to look at from the outside. They were pristine and soft, cool to their very cores.

But if you looked harder, touched the snow on the wrong day, you would see. You would see how they are slowly melting, disintegrating into nothing but ice.

But then again, snow is striking when it first touched the grass. When it lays down on the grounds for the first time, coating the earth in it's beauty.

And when the days pass, the snow slowly turns into black ice. It gets hard, cruel, malicious. That's what Athena and Draco were. They were hardening into the ice that people hurt themselves on, that people avoided.

Because they were black ice; cruel, despicable, and above all, loyalty ran through their blood until they would do anything for their loved ones.

Athena and Draco?

They were dangerous.

They were snow.


The hill looking over the black lake was hidden away from the castle. That's probably why no one really liked it, because Hogwarts was truly a sight worth crying over.

But this particular slanted field of grass that was covered in snow — trees placed sporadically among the grounds, looking over the black lake — was beautiful.

It was the perfect hideaway, where no one would think to go. It was concealed behind the courtyard, to the left of the Quidditch pitch, to the right of the castle.

Draco and Athena sat there, dozing off to the sounds of the wind and the crashing of the small waves on the black lake's shore.

They sat and watched their beautiful home, because maybe one day it would be destroyed.

The thought made Athena squeamish. This school was stunning and cruelly gorgeous in its own way. It was a second home and Athena would be damned to see it crumble.

But she didn't want to think about the future right now, so she snuggled closer into Draco's chest and breathed in his air.

"It's beautiful out here, how did you find it?" Athena questioned with furrowed brows. The air she exhaled fogged in front of her green eyes. The same eyes that beamed with twinkles of a pinkish maroon when she started at the blonde boy behind her.

Draco sighed, wrapping his hands tighter against Athena's waist, "I used to come here a lot when I was little. It was away and peaceful, I thought you would like it."

"I do," Athena nodded and tucked herself more under the blanket they charmed with heating spells.

They stayed in silence more. Thinking about it, both of them realized they did that a lot. Maybe because they understood each other deeper then words, they could look at one feature across the other's face and know their thoughts.

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