3rd year - 4 experience

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hi baes. love u all. happy reading :)

Hermione dragged Harry and Athena out of the room, leaving a hurt Ron confused and in a daze. Not answering the twos questions, Hermione led them outside the room and finally explained to them what Dumbledore meant.

The window light became brighter and better after Hermione turned her necklace watch three times. "7:30, where were we at 7:30?" Hermione seemed rushed as she spoke.

"Going to Hagrids hut!" Harry answered proudly, but soon got confused when Hermione dragged the two fast all the way, cautiously to Hagrids hut.

When watching Athena punch Flint, she complimented her on her form.

"This is not norma, I can see myself," Harry was confused and looked like he was about to faint.

"This is a time turner, McGonagall gave it to me to get to all my classes this year on time. This is obviously where Dumbledore wants us to be, but we need to figure out how and why." The two realized what happened and Athena quickly whispered, "BuckBeak! He wants us to save BuckBeak, we need to untie him down there."

"Brilliant Athena!" Harry and the other two raced down to the woods behind BuckBeak, and when they found their opportunity when Athena was arguing with Mr. Nott, they ran and untied BuckBeak and saw him fly away.

Running back into the woods, the group didn't know what else to do, especially with BuckBeak.

"We save Sirius now." Hermione said as they made their way towards the Whomping willow. They waited on the ground for a good hour before they saw themselves leave the ditch again, with Sirius.

"Before, When I was down by the lake, I saw someone. Someone was near the patronus of mine. I can't describe it but, someone was there. I know they were. What if it was someone like me? Someone related to me?" Athena explained to the other two.

"Dumbledore said only a very powerful witch could've produced such a powerful spell, Athena we need to find out who it was." Hermione patted Athena on the back.

They saw Athena take off in the distance as they heard Lupin howl at Harry. The group mimicked a howl, and heard one in the distance as well.

Lupin turned and headed for them, racing after them as they hid behind the trees. They moved in the wrong direction and suddenly Moony was charging for them. BuckBeak popped out of nowhere and chase away the werewolf form of Lupin.

Dementors hurdles through the sky headed towards the tiny lake, and the group watched Harry, Athena, and Sirius get attacked.

"Any minute now, someone is coming, I know it!" Athena shouted.

"Athena listen to me, no one is coming."

After second of no one appearing, Athena's head cleared with the realization.

Athena sprinted out and yelled the spell, processing who was across the lake. It was her. The light blinded her eyes for a moment as she saw dementors fly away from every area. It was her who saved Sirius and Harry, and herself.

They flew back to the castle on BuckBeak, going straight to save Sirius.

They blew up the prison like bars and let Sirius out free on BuckBeak as they traveled back to the courtyard.

Saying there goodbyes, Sirius thanked them both for the saving. Sirius said goodbye to both his god kids, and told Hermione and Athena they really were the brightest witches of their age.

He flew out on BuckBeak, cheering.

Hermione and the others sprinted back to the hospital wing, watching Dumbledore walk past and congratulate them. Ron's confused look at they moved 20 feet in no time, and they all asked Ron how he thought they were crazy.


Athena and Harry entered Lupins office, asking him why he was leaving the school.

"My condition is too severe, I don't want to be refused and tormented. Athena, I wish the best and I am leaving some of my potions and vials that will help with the, um, transformation."

"Thank you, and thank you for everything so far." Athena was smiling at Moony, as she would miss him as the teacher.

"And Harry, your parchment, here you go. Take good care of it, and you'll do some good things in the future with it." He handed Harry a parchment with footsteps on it and gave Athena a briefcase with vials and potions.

They left the classroom with smiles and headed towards the great hall, since it was only May 10, they still had two week of school left so during the feast Dumbledore announced the Dark Arts will take hold until next year.

Everyone who had Dark Arts would not take it for the rest of the school year and have that period off. Everyone cheered at the news because, well what's not to like about a class off.

After the feast Dumbledore announced the ministry plead Sirius free of any charges and he can live freely as a wizard, everyone cheered even more at that, especially the Gryffindors and some Slytherins.


The train ride home was full of enjoyment, everyone was happy and relishing in their last moments with their friends for the summer. Theo pulled Athena outside of the compartment and asked her the unforgettable.

"Athena, as you know we have been dating for quite a while now, and my parents know about it, as do Mrs. and Mr. Carrow. The family is allowing me to take a few friends around Europe this summer, and they asked if you wanted to come with. Of course I would invite you anyway, but my parents would love for you to join us as my girlfriend. I am inviting the whole group either way but I thought I would let you know first." Theo's eyes lit up with every word, as did Athena's smile.

"Of course! How should I get to your house for when we have to leave?" Athena was radiating energy with every single blink of her eyes.

"Well, I thought maybe you could stay at the Malfoy manor until we leave, it's a long shot but Cissy said you are more then welcome to." Theo was beaming with joy as Athena agreed.

They went back into the compartment and broke the news to everyone, and they all were estatic and beaming with happiness and smiles.

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