Deal with it

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tw, rape and assault. please please read with caution, this book is getting darker and i would love u guys to be comfortable. let me know if i need to pull back. i love u all

She was tied up on a stretcher like thing, she had been in this before during the summer before second year when she was tested on her magical abilities.

Yaxley stood in front of her, waiting until she stopped breathing to heavily to test her.

"The sooner you deal with this, the sooner it's over bitch, suck it up," Yaxley shot a legimins curse at her forehead, something she didn't even know existed.

She quickly blocked it, surprisingly too because she felt so weak from the torture. She felt like her body couldn't move without tearing through her, making it difficult to move around to block spells.

He seemed almost, proud? He was smiling, but not maniacally like he did while sending Crucio at her.

"Well done, that spell isn't known much, good job," It felt weird to be proud of herself, she had only blocked the spell from penetrating through her mind.

But she was, not because of that, because if she could do this maybe he would give her breaks. Doing it more, and more, and more, Athena's brain felt like it was crippling, fried from all the spell shot at her.

Yaxley continued on though, not minding the shivers and whimpers from the 16 year old in front of him.

Yaxley left the cellar when it got too dark to see her eyes, leaving her on the floor shaking. Athena couldn't think straight, she had not known what time it was, and she could not find peace in sleep anymore.

She laid there, awaiting some sign of hope. Her mind was in shambles, but all Athena could think of was her friends.

Theo, Onyx, Blaise, Enzo, Draco. Hermione, Harry, Fred, George, Lee, Luna. Theo, Onyx, Blaise, Enzo, Draco. Hermione, Harry, Fred, George, Lee, Luna.

She kept repeated their names and imagining them. It helped her piece together her brain and memory, even as some things started to fade.

Athena even caught herself smiling dazedly at the memories of her and Draco bickering, only because she could remember the exact words.

As long as you keep remembering, she told herself, you'll be okay.


It felt like weeks with Yaxley before what she thought was the last day, he seemed irritated with something.

He was firing spells at her limp body, not knowing she was sleeping. She woke up with a jolt, immediately regretting it as her muscles yelled in pain.

He didn't laugh at her pain, but rather seemed annoyed with it as she yelped.

"Get up, this is my last day, I'm not happy," Athena took a little long to get up, making him even more angry.

He marched towards her and pulled her up by her ripped shirt, she hadn't left the cellar in two weeks. Now she had a sense of time and herself, it felt even worse knowing she didn't have a proper meal in two weeks.

She got the left overs from dinners and breakfasts, usually only a couple pieces of something and she barely ate, too nauseating.

When she did eat, Athena would normally puke it back up. Sometimes she would try to hold it down, but eventually she was catch a glance at the tally marks she wrote for how many times she got Crucio'd or cursed.

Yaxley stuck her on the stretcher again, tying her down rather tight. Usually, he let some room in the ties so she could feel her body hurt while writhing.

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