First Days Back

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Leaning off the railing of the school, everyone peaked out to see Pegasus fly through the air. Hagrid was guiding them in to the forest runway they made.

A giant ship revealed itself to the school, right in the lake in front of the castle.


The kids were seated in the Great Hall, waiting for Dumbledore to tell them the big news.

"Now, this year the castle won't only be your home, but also two other schools. We are hosting the Tri Wizard tournament, bringing together three schools for a series of magic's challenges. All three have one student, above 16- "

Groans echoed through the hall, especially from Athena and her friends. She would've won it, no doubt.

"As I was saying, one student participating from each school. These challenges are dangerous, not for the faint hearted. More of that later, please join me in welcoming the ladies of Beauxbaton Academy," Dumbledore pointed towards the entrance of the hall.

Girls in silk periwinkle dresses made their way through the giant doors. All beautiful and almost taking all the boys hearts in seconds.

The boys whistled at the end of their entrance and Dumbledore announced the boys of Durmstrang Institute.

Handsome boys made their way into the hall next, with sticks and banging to a rhythm.

They flipped and marched towards the front of the hall, and Krum made his way towards it behind the boys.

Catching his eye, Athena laughed at something Onyx said. He stopped midway through his march, taking her hand and kissing it, and left with a wink.

Theo's face filled with jealousy as Krum walked away, and possessively wrapped his hand around her waist.

Athena didn't mind either gestures, fine with what just happened. Dumbledore put up the lyrics to the Hogwarts chant, and asked for them to sing.

Everyone started to sing, some more cheerful then others, and the Slytherin group burst into laughter after Theo said quietly, "The girls enter beautifully and catching our hearts, the boys enter all big and bad making all the girls crush on them, and Victor flirting with Athena, and then we have to sing this lullaby to impress them. Really shows who we are as a fucking school!"

After the song everyone went to eating, enjoying the feast with many who joined in the tables. Krum took a seat next to Athena, asking her questions left and right and merely missing everyone at the table.

"Your attention, please," Dumbledore announced at the top of his table, "Eternal Glory, that's what awaits the student who comes back with the victory of the tournament. If they survive the three tasks, three extremely dangerous tasks."

Thunder struck the top of the great hall, making students tables shake. Someone shot a spell from the podium corner, and whispers spurred amongst the kids.

"That's Alastair Moody!"

"The auror?"

He walked into the corner again, drinking something weird looking.

"You all should know, no one, and ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, shall enter the cup if you are under 17" The Minister crept out of nowhere and stated, the twins yelled 'RUBBISH!' and Dumbledore silenced everyone. Athena laughed and leaned over to Fred and George, who were only a couple feet away from her, and fist pumped them both.

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